Russia will build a city for mining

Russia will build a city for mining


A fairy-tale city, a dream city… Boris Chernyshev, State Duma deputy, proposed to build a city for mining. The idea was supported by the Internet ombudsman and the head of the Russian Association of Crypto-Currency and Blockchain.

"A mining city will help people make money, buy apartments and other things they need. Also it will fill up the state budget at the expense of taxes. If we build such a settlement near the border, for example, with China, this will immediately cause great interest, there will be flows of business tourists. Such a place will become a business forum; it will attract foreign investments. This is a driver, the point of growth, "- said the parliamentarian.

Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev agreed with the deputy, but stressed that the state should not be the owner of such a city.

"I support any initiative that leads to the creation of jobs, added value, to the opportunity to produce new technology products or services. I am against the state being the owner of business. The state has nothing to do in business, the state must set the rules of the game. Any business should have a beneficiary, one who is vitally interested in this business, otherwise all this is doomed to failure, "Marinichev said.

Indeed, when designing a mining city, not only the potential benefits should be taken into account, but also the possible risks, said Arseniy Sheltsin, director of the Russian Association of Crypto-Currency and Blockchain (RACCB). He estimated the possible total income of the mining city in a few dozen bitcoins per day, but noted that the technology of blockchain and the very mining should be treated very objectively and rationally. He said: "We can both get excess profit, which will allow such a city to develop faster, and suffer losses. And the settlement will cease to exist in a week or a month. "

According to experts, when evaluating such a project, it should be taken into account that the profitability of mining will decrease, but at the same time there will be an opportunity to earn on transactions, creation of services and applications. In other words, the future of the blockchain is behind the projects that solve practical tasks, such as the innovative ticket sales service from Waltix.

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