Russia is planning to build a nature conservation fleet after 2021

Russia is planning to build a nature conservation fleet after 2021

RussiaToday News

The minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia Sergey Donskoy has recently said that Russia would build a nature conservation fleet after 2021. Activities for achievement this goal have already included in the Program of the Arctic socioeconomic development.

The fleet will be built for the Federal Service for Nature Management and was initiated by the Ministry. The nature conservation fleet will be intended for environmental supervision in the seas and on the continental shelf. The project costs 3.1 billion of rubles.

According to Sergey Donskoy, the fleet will increase the safety of marine activity and allow decreasing ecological risks for marine ecosystem.

The minister told about another way of decreasing of ecological risks: the switch to vessels using LPG as fuel, so-called Green Shipping. Donskoy offered to start this initiative from the Northern Sea Route.

Nowadays icebreakers using LPG have already being built. The first such ship, “Polaris” was built on the Finnish shipyard “Arctech” owned by the Russian company OSK. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia, for its part, is participating in building of three river tankers using LPG for Volgatrans Company. The building is of many projects of the Arctic Council, the minister said.

The Ministry also initiated a project of shipbuilding and preparation for routes for marine ecology — GSHipping.

All these actions undoubtedly will improve the Arctic ecology. Russia is spending huge money for environmental projects in the Arctic in the very difficult time from a financial point. But the activity in the Arctic characterizes our country as an environmentally responsible state which wants to keep the Arctic for future generations.


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