Rules for MinexCoin group

Rules for MinexCoin group


We are open to our community and happy to know any of your opinions.

However we kindly ask you to follow our rules:

1. We are polite and we expect the same in return.

If user continues using abusing words after first warning from the admins, he gets a Read-Only restriction for a week. Abusing Customer Support team or any other team member results in a warning and then a ban.

2. Advertisers and beggars not welcome.

Advertisers, referral links and discussing other projects at the group is strictly prohibited. Violating this rule results in banning a user.

3. Our channel is free of any coin trading.

This group is devoted to MNX. Trading or arrangements to sell or buy other coins in the group is strictly prohibited. Violating this rule results in banning a user.

4. Don’t use large stickers or images, and GIF-animations.

Thanks to our community members @denis_belokur and @leo8bits we now have our own “branded” stickerpacks. You can also publish GIFs and photos referring to MNX and crypto in general. We hope you understand that you should use them reasonably.

5. Voice and Video messages are prohibited.

Administrators delete this content as soon as it is published.

6. Bots, FUD and FOMO are prohibited.

Stirring up panic mood, aggressive disputes, spreading unconfirmed information/hypotheses, messages containing indecent and improper contents and FOMO are prohibited in any group. Violators will be set to a Read-Only restriction for a week.

7. Actions of group Administrators are not discussed.

Note that any user always has the right to contact Support Team members via Telegram PM, Slack, email or BTT.

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