Robotech The Movie Movie Hindi Free Download

Robotech The Movie Movie Hindi Free Download


Robotech: The Movie Movie Hindi Free Download

In 1999 an alien spaceship crashed onto the earth. Hidden on board were the secrets of a unique science known as Robotechnology. Databanks found in the ship were transferred to the Earth Robotech Computer Complex. In 2009, an alien search party arrived from hyper-space to reclaim their lost databank. The united Earth Government was forced into an Inter Galactic war. Earth forces were able to win the first battle......but at a great cost. The planet was virtually destroyed. New population centres grew out of the ashes..... It is now 2027, a second armada sent by the aliens is nearing earth, they have come to recapture the secrets of their lost technology and then destroy the Earth.
Re-edited version of a Japanese TV serial combined with a direct-to-video anime, released in the U.S. as a feature.
When I was a kid, and HUGE fan of the Robotech series, I kept hearing a promise of a Robotech Movie. Because I didn&#39;t live in Texas, I never got that chance.<br/><br/>The film was screened in one city in Texas, tested poorly, and never heard from again. Later, Robotech&#39;s creator, Carl Macek, denounced the film in his writing and interviews, saying he&#39;d wish everyone would just forget it ever happened. But, I wanted to judge for myself.<br/><br/>They released a comic book adaptation of the film in 1996 which was honestly quite bad, and it wasn&#39;t enough to quench my appetite. I even found a copy of Megazone 23, the film in which this is edited from, but I still wanted to see the actual movie.<br/><br/>This has only been released on video Europe and after paying 30 pounds (around 50 dollars) I finally got my hands on it. My friend was able to dub it for me from the Euro format to the US format, but unfortunately it was transerred without any color. Oh well, at least I got to see it.<br/><br/>And, I can tell you that everything you&#39;ve heard is true. The movie is filled with inconsistencies, bad dialogue, bad storylines, you name it. It should have never been made.<br/><br/>The only thing that bothers me is that had this film been readily available, I might have seen it once and dismissed it. But just because it&#39;s SO hard to find (it pops up on online auctions about two or three times a year) I felt compelled to hunt it down.<br/><br/>A good comparison would be the &quot;Star Wars Holiday Special.&quot; You want to see that one last chapter of a series you love, yet the payoff is not worth the hunt.
This is an hybrid creature born at Carl Macek mind. With Robotech the second generation (Robotech Masters) and Megazone 23 into one miserable movie, that have no logic! The story is very, very bad, and you cannot forgive the action of Megazone when have nothing to do with Robotech. If this movie have so high rank is for the TV series and not for itself!! I did said it, the name cannot save this!


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