Risen In Hindi Download Free In Torrent

Risen In Hindi Download Free In Torrent


Risen In Hindi Download Free In Torrent


Follows the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius, a powerful Roman Military Tribune, and his aide Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Yahshua in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, 33 AD. Clavius (played by Joseph Fiennes) is a senior officer in the Roman army. He spends most of his time putting down rebellions but recently he has been given a different task. He is to be the officer-in-command at a crucifixion and ensure that no incidents occur at or after the executions. When the body of one of the executed disappears from its tomb, his own reputation is at stake and he does his utmost to recover it. The man who disappeared was known as Yeshua, or Jesus...
This in essence is a re-treatment of the Resurrection Story, but it is told with an emphasis on the political backstory and from the viewpoint of an unbeliever. The protagonist (Joseph Fiennes) is a Roman military Tribune (something similar to Lieutenant Colonel) who is the commander of the military forces in Judea, working for Pontius Pilate.<br/><br/>The movie does a masterful job of incorporating both historical and temporal concerns that would have been involved in the Resurrection, and extrapolates a lot of events in the &#39;blank spaces&#39; of the Bible. Pilate is completely absorbed in trying to keep the powder keg of his governorship from exploding (with the assertion that Caesar or someone similar will be visiting for inspection). In one witty scene, Mary Magdalene is sought for questioning, so the Tribune simply goes to the barracks and asks who can visually identify her (one hand rises, then another, &amp;c.)<br/><br/>I rated this several marks higher than what is apparently the average, because quite frankly many reviews include quite nasty anti- Christian sentiment as part of the grade. They sneer at the way this movie turns from crime drama into a religious message. That&#39;s completely wrong-minded in my view; it&#39;s like going to a documentary and sneering at it not having enough action, or humor. This is an openly religious-oriented movie... it&#39;s the RESURRECTION STORY, for goodness sake - but in keeping with the Sony niche outlet named Affirm Films it is another in a line of reasonably high quality films with Christian themes. Sony Corp, unlike their openly anti-Christian American rivals (think Paramount&#39;s Noah), are no fools - this genre is both remarkably lucrative and under-served.
For a fallen-down Catholic boy like me, seeing Risen, a take on the weeks after Christ&#39;s Resurrection, should have offered me a year&#39;s supply of cynicism. As it turns out, the film was a pleasant trip back to the days when I did believe, when awe was a companion of my faith.<br/><br/>This uninspired Biblical thriller shows a powerful Roman tribune, Flavius (an underplaying to good effect Joseph Fiennes), ordered by Pilate (Peter Firth) to get rid of the Nazarene, and after His resurrection, find Him, and kill Him again. With restraint, director Kevin Reynolds makes even me a brief believer because the actors, from Cliff Curtis (Yeshua--Jesus) to Mary Magdalene (Maria Botto), play their roles with a natural affection that&#39;s supported by no swelling music or dazed looks.<br/><br/>But it&#39;s Fiennes who impressed me most: As he plays a character who is probably meant to be a surrogate for doubters like me in the audience, he actually makes us believers for the moment. So dedicated he is to proving this Messiah a hoax that his growing belief becomes a balm for our disbelief.<br/><br/>Beyond this nicely played worship is a set that looks like it came from a hundred other &quot;B&quot; movie sword and sandal epics. Yet, the underplayed plot, which pretty much follows the New Testament depiction of Christ&#39;s resurrection, has a quiet charm that reminds us of the Biblical text that needs no resurrection: It is with us forever.
Risen veers so far off the Bible’s path that it might as well be a tale of this 13th apostle, called Marty, who was in charge of snacks and mini-golf reservations.

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