Risen Full Movie Download

Risen Full Movie Download


Risen Full Movie Download


Jerusalem, 33 AD. Clavius (played by Joseph Fiennes) is a senior officer in the Roman army. He spends most of his time putting down rebellions but recently he has been given a different task. He is to be the officer-in-command at a crucifixion and ensure that no incidents occur at or after the executions. When the body of one of the executed disappears from its tomb, his own reputation is at stake and he does his utmost to recover it. The man who disappeared was known as Yeshua, or Jesus...
Follows the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius, a powerful Roman Military Tribune, and his aide Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Yahshua in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.
I saw this movie on DVD, and was very pleasantly surprised. Frequently Christian films just aren't well written or acted. Even in cases where they have established actors such as Greg Kinnear in "Heaven is for Real" and Jennifer Garner in "Miracles from Heaven" and the acting is fine, there always has to be some "churchy/preachy" scenes which alienate non-Evangelical Christians. This movie was not like that. Even as an agnostic I loved "Ben Hur" and "The Robe" when I was young, and this takes me back to those movies. Joseph Fiennes is great in this film. He portrays this war- weary, jaded Roman so well. When I saw a picture of the actor playing Jesus I was surprised by how ordinary-looking he was, but he managed to persuade you that he would have attracted followers. He does a good job. The Apostles were refreshingly different from other portrayals. Bartholemew was startlingly gleeful, but when you consider what he has experienced, it's understandable. As for critics here who have given this movie a 2 or lower, that's purely anti-Christian bias. They would have given Ben Hur a 1 too! I don't think some people are capable of watching a movie like this without their biases and prejudices getting in the way. The only reason I don't give this a 10, is that there was some dialogue which was spoken so softly, that even when I replayed the scene, I couldn't figure out what the character was saying. I'm also not fond of the Gladiator-style fighting scenes, with the closely shot scenes which make it feel like you are no more than a foot away, and quick cuts which are a bit dizzying. But otherwise it's a great movie.
a film about faith. minimalist because it is the way of a rational man in front with a long time expected answer. spectacular because it gives beautiful performances , fight scenes and realistic details from Roman life in Judeea. touching because its purpose is only to present, not to convince. its admirable simplicity remains the main virtue. and this does it only a film about the looking of truth but not a Christian film. Ralph Finnes does more than a good job; he accept and work a significant challenge. the result is more than seductive. Tom Felton is at next level after the artistic experiences from the first youth. and Peter Firth seems give more force and nuances and substance to the Pilat of Hristo Shopov in The Passion of the Christ. but the basic "spices" with a not small role in the special status of film are the reference to Torino veil and Cliff Curtis as the Savior. result - a special film, giving more questions than answers.
As played by Fiennes, who has the aquiline face and piercing eyes of Max Van Sydow, Clavius is no pushover. You believe his disbelief, so when it wavers, yours might as well.

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