Ride Along 2 Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

Ride Along 2 Full Movie Download 1080p Hd


Ride Along 2 Full Movie Download 1080p Hd


The RIDE ALONG 2 sequel picks up about a year after our heroes' last adventure. Plans for a quick trip to Miami go bad. With the wedding upcoming, James reluctantly takes Ben with him to Miami to follow up on a lead connected to a drug ring case he's been trying to crack. In Miami, they meet Maya, a no-BS homicide detective who lets them know Miami is her turf. They also encounter AJ, a shady cocky computer hacker who reveals evidence that implicates a well-respected local businessman, the wealthy Antonio Pope. Pope harbors a vicious streak and rules South Florida's drug trade. If Ben and James can convince the authorities that Pope is a brutal crime boss they'll stop his spree. If they fail, well there may not be a wedding after all.
As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.
Although I don&#39;t necessarily enjoy this type of commercial-Hollywood-y comedies, I decided to give this one a chance and open my mind towards a supposedly fun, light movie.<br/><br/>I wish I didn&#39;t. I really do.<br/><br/>I wasted one hour of my life remembering why I stopped watching those movies in the first place.<br/><br/>1. cliché; the funny-dumb cop with the serious one fighting crime and evil. woohoo! 2. obviously overcompensating; for the lack of potential, with EVERY frame featuring one of the following: hot girls, expensive cars, famous familiar people, explosions and guns -to keep the average mind just entertained enough to pay for the movie. 3. expectable!!!please... 4. sexist. girls are part of the movie&#39;s decoration and background. the casting must have been easy for females: as long as you have a nice rack and/or a cute butt, you are of good use to the movie&#39;s picture.<br/><br/>I&#39;m not usually an angry feminist. But this was just too much. This is what&#39;s wrong with the film industry. Right there.
Kevin Hart is an interesting case. He&#39;s hilariously funny when it comes to his stand-up. But filmmakers have yet to figure out what to do with him in film. With his best performances being Think Like a Man and Get Hard, you start to think about what they did right. Think Like a Man&#39;s strength is that it doesn&#39;t hyper focus on any one of its well-balanced leads. And with Get Hard- -both Hart&#39;s and Will Ferrell&#39;s best films in awhile--you have to credit the fact that they both get to take the stage. They both act as the straight man AND the comic foil. But after a failed attempt the first time around, we are offered a second installment in the Ride Along series.<br/><br/>The original Ride Along from 2014 already had audiences feeling like it was just an excuse to make a movie where Hart acts ridiculous, much to Ice Cube&#39;s unamusement. And this one is no different. The sequel has a slightly better storyline than its predecessor, but not by much. It copies a lot of the formula from the original.<br/><br/>In this movie, Hart plays Ben, a preliminary detective about to get married. His brother-in-law- to-be, head detective James (Cube), takes him along on a case in Miami to show Ben how he isn&#39;t cut out to be in the field.<br/><br/>Hackneyed comedy isn&#39;t the only thing that&#39;s cliché about this film. Overused tropes are flying left and right. From every one of Ice Cube&#39;s foreseen reactions, to the typical action movie lines: &quot;Villain is hosting a party tonight at his mansion. Everyone&#39;s expected to be there&quot; or &quot;I&#39;ll distract him while you go in.&quot;<br/><br/>There are a few laughs scattered throughout. The opening sequence, featuring Tyrese and a bunch of street racers, is the best part of the movie. But Hart just doesn&#39;t have anyone to play off of comedically the rest of the way. It&#39;s just him doing all the romping. The few moments he has with Ken Jeong are nice, but that&#39;s about it. Ice Cube is his definite straight man. And a pretty good one too, as evident with the Jump Street series. But the truth is, Hart is so over-the-top all the time that he almost doesn&#39;t even need a straight man. It&#39;s already extremely obvious he&#39;s being ridiculous that it&#39;s nearly insulting that we need someone else to point it out too. When everything around him is too serious, Hart&#39;s antics become less believable. <br/><br/>There&#39;s nothing definitively bad about this film. It hits all its marks. Almost too well. And that&#39;s what makes it blend in with the crowd. This by-the-numbers comedy may not be painful, but it&#39;s definitely forgettable. <br/><br/>Twizard Rating: 64
Hart, the firecracker that he is, has a fitting comedic (and crime-fighting) partner out there somewhere. But it’s not in the Ride Along series.

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