Review- BIZAVEST (Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Analytics and Business Intelligence)

Review- BIZAVEST (Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Analytics and Business Intelligence)



BIZAVEST is an AL driven data analistics platform that aims to provide business intelligence that is

affordable ,effectife, smart and secure, and as easy to use as a social media acount.

our system is driven by artivical intellegence coupled with natural skill and expertise of man .our aim

is to strike a sustainable and effective balance between man and machine, where they wirk together

to provide true data that is at once effective,valuable and affordable.

our mission is to create a platform where data and information for busines intelegence ,proces and 

management is available for small to large corporation globally. the era of paying over the bar for infomation that will

lead to business succes and sustainability is over.

white BIZAVEST we are launching the next generation project for getting useful data and insight at next to nothing


Competitive Advantage

There are numerous data analytics and business intelligence gathering platforms. Know the advantage of Bizavest Analytics.

The Blockchain Advantage

Integrates blockchain technology to provide high level validation and security.

Cognitive Analytics

Bizavest Analytics is powered by intelligence that learns.

Revolutionary Intelligence Service

Using AI-Human interaction to provide disruptive business intelligence.

Problem and Solution


With the advent of Information Technology and data explosion via technology integration in our daily lives, more data than ever before has become available, and many business; small or large; neither have the expertise nor capabilities to handle these goldmines of business resources. Analytics has evolved with technology, data size and variety and it has become quite hard for businesses to keep up. The solution to this problem emerged a few years back with the advent of Big Data Analytics and its efficient capabilities in generating business intelligence and delivering insight. However, Big data analytics as it is used in business today is expensive, considerably high-tech and not easily implementable by organizationsespecially small ones and start-ups. Another key problem modern analytics pose is that of getting relevant data easily without having to go through the mass of useless data to extract what is needed. 

Data today is available in unprecedented amounts and unlimited sources ranging from customer data to social media data, traffic data, climate data, GPS data and what have you! The problem here is figuring out what data type(s) as well as from what source(s) best suits your business needs. Finally, it is more difficult than ever before to get quality data for business and the alternative (bad quality data) is injurious and expensive for businesses globally. Currently, you can either employ business and market research.

  • The Bizvest Solution 

Modern advances in decentralized storage, digital currencies, and smart contracts enable us to create a decentralized, incited platform for conducting market research and securely storing client’s data. Organizations and individual will be able to use our platform to make requests for data from precisely defined community amongst members of Bizavest Platform.

At the core of its functionality, Bizavest is merely an intelligence gathering and insight generating system that provides you with the most relevant information your business needs to grow into sustainability and success. It is designed to provide decision making and market driven information and services to small and large business. 

 Bizavest PPC solution 

PPC will be used to solve the authentication and profile matching as well as data point validation challenges on the Bizavest Analytic Platform. To achieve good performance, we have designed custom protocols for each of these use cases. Our PPC-based authentication, the computation produces a Digital Proof of data collection, which can be thought of as a certificate, for entries done by the feeder, and verified and validated by Dacomian. The proof contains the data feeder’s account name, basic demographic details and other referencing information easily identifiable and class ‘categorize-able’ by the AI system ensuring high accuracy in relevance selection. Data provided, collected and stored will be parsed through the Bizachain framework and protected by PPC. and is signed by Bizavest. The more certainty there is around the data feeder’s authenticity -- that is, the more highquality verification partners vouch for the provider and the more basic demographic details the provider provides -- the more she is paid


Initial Token Distribution

Sale Proceed Allocation

ICO dates: 

Pre-ICO: 12 JUNE 2018 - 12 JULY 2018

ICO phase 1: 30 JULY 2018 - 12 AUGUST 2018

ICO phase 2: 13 AUGUST 2018 - 10 SEPTEMBER 2018

Token ticker: BIZC

Token type: ERC20 (view contract on etherscan)

Total supply: 100,000,000 BIZC

Available for token sale: 45%

Accepted currency: ETH

Token price: 

Pre sale round (1 Bizc = $0.1)

PreICO (1 Bizc = $0.25) 

ICO Rounds: (1Bizc = $0.50)

Whitelust/KYC: Yes 

Fundraising goal: 15 million USD

Soft cap: 1 million USD

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