

bakul banyu


One of the major challenges for sharing datasets is the lack of trust between the various parties in data transactions. Difficult for

someone to determine whether a particular dataset is well organized, precise and insightful without first

access the dataset to evaluate it.In addition, there may be issues related to the lack of a common platform on

where parties can meet in transaction data.

If these confidence issues can be resolved adequately, the fraud rate can significantly decrease temporarily,

at the same time, all hosts of other potential transaction data in various industries can be activated, such as deep data transactions

insurance, international trade and microcredit.

By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. A blockchain is a continuous list

develops from records, called blocks, which are linked and guaranteed to use cryptography. Each block usually contains a hash pointer

as links to previous blocks, time records and transaction data. A blockchain can serve as an open, distributed book

which can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent manner. To use

as a book is distributed, a blockchain is usually managed by a collective peer-to-peer network following a protocol to validate

new block. Once recorded, the data in each particular block can not be changed retroactively without changing all subsequent blocks, which are

requires collusion from the majority of networks.

This makes blockchains ideal to use as a basis for which RepuX Protocol

security and transactional integrity are paramount.

While this contract defines a standard interface, specific implementations can be changed to match the use of that case

different, for data from or used by different industries. For example, additional attributes can be added to a smart contract

to reflect industry-specific information with respect to data. Price and payment functions can also be changed to

support different payment methods, such as subscription model.


RepuX is a protocol level framework (the "RepuX Protocol") that different types of changeable data can be commoditized and exchanged

among various companies and individual collectors, developers and users. The RepuX Protocol combines a few

decentralized technologies such as interplanetary File System (or IPFS) 2

, Sia3

, Ethereum4

, EOS5

, And offers the potential to

upgrade to custom blockchain high-throughput. By facilitating data transfer and value between peers, the RepuX Protocol

creating the possibility of sharing data between data collectors, application developers and user data that are not present in the marketplace

this. The RepuX Protocol provides an opportunity for data producers to create value in their data through facilitating

the provision of this data to users in some industries, while eliminating the need for intermediaries in this process.

RepuX Goals and Goals

We anticipate that monetization data will be a major source of income for individuals and entities in the future.

It is estimated that the world will create 180 zettabytes of data (or 180 trillion gigabytes) by 2025, up from less than 10

zettabytes in 2015.1

our goals and objectives for the RepuX Protocol are as follows:

To develop a high throughput system where data can generate money directly between collectors,

developers and users;

To build secure reputation infrastructure in a RepuX Token transaction that allows users to apply

a semi-permanent record in a joint transaction;

To develop an easy-to-use application programming interface (or API) that allows developers

third party to build our RepuX Protocol to create different applications;

To maintain scalability and speed up high priority during the design and development of the RepuX Protocol; and

To integrate the RepuX Protocol with existing blockchain technology while building custom solutions in those cases


In short, our main goal is to build a reliable, high-performance, secure data transfer protocol

which can be integrated with a variety of different applications developed by third parties for use by

a number of different industries.

RepuX Vision

Our vision is to create a protocol that facilitates the monetization of data through efficient transfers

between collectors, developers and users who will also enable the evaluation of data reliability and reputation from

time to time. Through our RepuX Protocol, data collectors can transfer data to user data or

application developers in exchange for RepuX Token. Developers can build upon RepuX Protocol, and

using data that is transferred by collectors to produce products and services that can then be transferred

to end users in various industries, in exchange for RepuX Token. With RepuX Protocol, we hope

to bring additional value to the data.

The official meaning of Intelligence and Machine Learning

the creation of data is continuous and with increasing speed. Data that has value. Currently,

the collection, use and distribution of this data is dominated by certain large corporate entities.

At the same time, investments in artificial intelligence (or AI) grow at a very fast rate. It is estimated that

AI market development more than doubled every 2 years. AI has the potential to significantly change many aspects

economy. In the field of AI, machine learning abilities have increased tremendously in recent years. Machine

this learning capability combined with decentralized data access has enabled the industrialization of data-based applications

decentralized. Since machine learning builds knowledge on past data, models are made just as good as

data entered into the model.

The RepuX Protocol has the potential to eliminate the "digital divide" between those who have easy access to

learning dataset machines and those that do not.



large data requires large datasets normally collected by businesses or organizations as a by-product of operations

daily. Such a dataset can, for example, a medical database of disease diagnoses, along with time and location. Unfortunately, because

many Big Data datasets are often not directly related to the direct operation of a business or organization, they are often fired and

thrown away. this dataset can easily make money and be used by other potential companies

benefit from the data. For For example, a successful product delivery list within a supermarket chain could be useful for new suppliers looking to

enter a certain territory. What's missing is:

the data market is changing and transparent;

with reputable and useful data;

allows for the monetization of data with both individuals and entities;

marketed and available to those who really need it; and

with price and value determined by the market.

An example of a basic data market is the Bravery browser that has just rolled out their basic token sales attention (or BAT).

In the Bold browser, users can optionally "sell" (anonymously) their browsing data, or data of interest

them, to marketers who then buy this data and pay at BAT.

RepuX Technology

Technology from RepuX Protocol can be broken down into 4 separate layers.


Application layer at the top of RepuX Protocol. This forward-facing layer consists of a variety of decentralized applications, or Dapps,

that third-party application developers can build on existing RepuX API infrastructure. This example could be a service

which allows individuals or entities to sell data on the use of social media in exchange for accessing the website.

The next layer of RepuX Protocol is the data layer. This layer consists of all data that can be bought and sold in RepuX.

By storing the data layer in decentralized infrastructure such as IPFS, StorJ8 or Sia, we not only guarantee

presence of data, but also ensure that data is being stored in a decentralized manner. preferences of data ownership, sharing,

security and privacy can be actualized by using the original multi-signative cryptographic blockchain, to ensure data

will be excessively secured to the chain and also visible and utilized only by the preferred party.

To handle transactions occurring in the data layer, we employ decentralized logic layers. This layer can be

built on existing Ethereum infrastructure; However, we are also exploring the use of EOS, or blockchain infrastructure

potentially scale to millions of transactions.

On the basis of the RepuX Protocol, we build a value layer, which powers the top layer and ensures that people compensate

right for what they do in RepuX Protocol. We have created a RepuX Token as part of this value layer

to enable parties to send value payments between each other for the purchase and sale of data and goods,

other goods and / or services. The value of a token can be proportional to their request for their use in data sharing

service contract, where different levels of the number of holding marks can enable more advanced and greater capabilities

share data scale. It acts as a mechanism to adequately distribute available blockchain-based and data storage

serves as a vehicle request for tokens that allow fair data use.

API Structure

We intend to use the easy-to-use Web3.js + Metamask API which will allow third parties to with

easy access and quick build of external applications on RepuX infrastructure. In addition to easy to use JS API, we also can

enable more API based applications that third parties can use to develop on

Key features of IPFS

IPFS has the following features:

Defines a content-handling file system;

This coordinates content delivery;

It has file system and installation;

It can be accessed through common protocols such as HTTP;

It ensures integrity through a hash-handled content system;

Connection can occur through multiple network protocols;

There is no central point of failure; and

This allows additional functionality through systems like Filecoin.

However, as infrastructure is still maturing at a rapid pace, we will continue to explore data infrastructure options

additions, such as Storj and Sia.

Ads and Content online

The freemium model, where basic digital products or services are provided for free, but money is charged for that functionality

richer, fast becoming a de-facto model for consumer software products. Users can access basic products or services

at no cost; however,The value generated for the entity offering the product or service in the form of data collected about the user.

Advertisers generally pay well for behavioral data types.

We provide the following examples of fiction. Paul is a graphic designer and uses his computer quite often. With

use of RepuX Protocol, third-party application developers can create programs that Paul can voluntarily afford

install to the computer to record the data of its anonymous computer user. Paul does not mind sharing this anonymous data with

other business.

Paul can directly make this data available to potential buyers using the RepuX Protocol, resulting in multiple

additional revenue from sales data on the side. If Paul continues to provide legitimate, accurate and well-formatted data,

his reputation rises on the RepuX Protocol, possibly resulting in additional sales of his data. Advertisers will appreciate

the reliability and availability of Paul and Paul's data is sufficient compensation for its data.



Using RepuX Token

Data Sales and Purchases

RepuX will allow RepuX Token holders to purchase data from sellers in the RepuX Protocol. The RepuX Protocol as well

will enable data sellers who receive payments in the Repux Token from individuals or entities that purchase their data.

raw data from data collectors and / or various value-added content developed by third-party application developers

can be bought and sold using Repux Token either through the market or bilateral transactions and data collectors

developed methods to assess their data.

RepuX Token Sale

Pre-Sale and Sales Token

RepuX Token is an integral part of the RepuX Protocol function.

RepuX will have pre-sale rights to receive future RepuX Tokens that are being made available "investors

accredited "solely for through a simple Agreement for the Future Token (the" Pre-Sale "). Pre-sales will continue

until December with a 50% discount for the base rate of $ 0.20 ("Base Rate"). Any interested accredited investor can

learn more by contacting RepuX directly at and downloading blank SAFT at

RepuX is scheduled to launch Pre-Sale in December 2017 and Token Sales in January 2018 after

RepuX Operational protocol. Pre-Sale will be opened until Token Sale begins in January, 2018. Token Sale will be offered

in 5 stages, with the first at 30% discount for Rate Base, the second at 25% discount for Base Rate, the third with

20% discount for Base rate, fourth with 15% discount for base and final rate at 10% discount for Base rate. We will

launched a RepuX Token with a supply of 500 million tokens to be allocated as set forth below in Table 2 at

under the heading "RepuX Token Rates and Allocations". The market exchange rate between RepuX Token and Ether for Token Sale will be based on

equivalence of one RepuX Token equal to $ 0.20.

In order to engage in data transactions on the RepuX Protocol, data collectors, data buyers or third party developers

should get a RepuX Token.

Standard Token

The ERC20 standard provides a common interface for digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain. The RepuX Token adheres to ERC20

standard token, which means that holders of RepuX Token can easily manage and transfer their RepuX Tokens

using Ethereum existing wallet apps (eg Parity, Mist, MyEtherWallet, etc).

RepuX Token Rates and Allocations

As the goal of RepuX Protocol is to have users be as controlling their data as possible, RepuX has

designing a Decentralized Sale Token. This allocation is to change depending on the number of Repux Tokens sold in Pre-

Sale subject and will be completed by the end of Pre-Sale.



Use of Proceeds

RepuX expects that a substantial amount of the proceeds of the Pre-Sale will be used to progress the development of the RepuX Protocol

and the RepuX Token ecosystem.

All outstanding RepuX Tokens will be managed by the RepuX Foundation. The RepuX Foundation is an Isle of Man non-pro t organization

established in October 2017 with offices in Douglas, Isle of Man, British Isles. The RepuX Foundation was formed to safeguard the RepuX

Tokens and funds raised through the Pre-Sale and the Token Sale on behalf of RepuX. RepuX is committed to community engagement and

sponsoring user participation within a world of decentralized data. The RepuX Token and associated network and marketplace all use trade

secrets and intellectual property either created, owned or licensed by the RepuX Foundation.

RepuX APP Mockup

Below is a sample interface where users can interact with the RepuX Protocol.

Code analysis

Below, we show a draft version of the smart contract we use to demonstrate our functionality on the Ethereum network. Note

that this is an example of a final implementation and a mutable implementation (and possibly a custom blockchain implementation).

The contract below defines the standard interface for transaction data on the RepuX Protocol. Data Owners can manage data

them through this interface. Data Owners can also manage and update the price of their data (in case of RepuX Token).

Data Owner can also.

While this contract defines a standard interface, specific implementations can be changed to match the use of that case

different, for data from or used by different industries. For example, additional attributes can be added to a smart contract

to reflect industry-specific information with respect to data. Price and payment functions can also be changed to

support different payment methods, such as subscription model.

The holders of the RepuX Token will have control and RepuX may have only limited control after the RepuX Protocol

Launch occurs.

The RepuX Protocol consists of open source technologies that depend on computer networks to run device programs

software to process transactions. Due to this more centralized model, RepuX has limited control over Token RepuX and

RepuX protocol after launch. In addition, the RepuX Token holder does not and shall not be entitled, to vote or to accept

dividends or considered shareholders of RepuX for any purpose, nor will anything be interpreted to give on

holders of RepuX token rights shareholders of RepuX or the right to vote in the selection of directors or on any matter submitted to the holder

shares at a meeting thereof, or to grant or deny consent to a corporate action or to

receive notices from meetings, or to receive subscription rights or otherwise.












We hope that we will lean very quickly over the next few months. We have completed the specs

of the RepuX Protocol level framework on which various types of data of individuals and entities can make money and

exchanged between different parties. We will use our own Ethereum smart contract and RepuX Token interface

web distribution Our Token sale is planned for January 2018.

In preparation for Token Sale, we will make a major distribution announcement in early December. Once Token Sale is complete, we will be able to provide the infrastructure for our Company Integration partners to use

in their sign offering and our top priority is to hire a larger C-level executive team

and finish our first Enterprise Integration with WorkHQ.

Our philosophy is to initially test the tools we have built internally and with our Company Integration partners. We

then will roll out our RepuX Protocol to the public when it has been thoroughly tested.








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