Репорт бот кс го

Репорт бот кс го

Репорт бот кс го

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Репорт бот кс го

Помимо самого софта тебе нужно еще как минимум Репорт бот кс го аккаунтов, чтобы кинуть 10 репортов кс стоит 449 репорт бот кс го, выходит, тебе нужно еще 4500 тысячи на аккаунты. Если не забанило в течение 72 часов - деньги верну Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть. You guys need to give less power to the reporting system! This is just terrible. Die EHRLCIHEN spieler werden gebannt! Спасаем мир в кооперативе CS:GO вместе с Клейнсом прохождение новой операции Hydra совместно! This here is a bot that can do up to 50-100 reports in 1 click and abuse the reporting system! Ich weiss das er seit ca 15-16 jahren cs spielt! Valve давно это доказали. Зарепортбочу читера, игравшего против Вас всего за 50 российских. Thank you you dont get VAC banned from just reports you get em for cheating or else i would have been VAC banned 100 times over haha :D its griefing ban btw i didnt even grief the guys thought i was cheating and they just report botted me lol Originally posted by :its griefing ban btw i didnt even grief the guys thought i was cheating and they just report botted me lol so OW did an overwatch on you and saw that you where clearly greifing and banned you!? We have to let steam know instead of fighting each other.

Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization e. This here is a bot that can do up to 50-100 reports in 1 click and abuse the reporting system! Die EHRLCIHEN spieler werden gebannt! Originally posted by :RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же! Valve давно это доказали. You hacked, get rekted los3r.

Зарепортбочу читера, игравшего против Вас всего за 50 российских. You hacked, get rekted los3r. А дальше уже работа будет за людьми, которые будут просматривать демку. He said the same thing, i didnt grief how? This here is a bot that can do up to 50-100 reports in 1 click and abuse the reporting system! Die EHRLCIHEN spieler werden gebannt! Valve давно это доказали.

Репорт бот кс го

ES IST EINE FRECHHEIT DAS EINE COMMUNITY ENTSCHEIDEN ZULASSEN. Thank you you dont get VAC banned from just reports you get em for cheating or else i would have been VAC banned 100 times over haha :D its griefing ban btw i didnt even grief the guys thought i was cheating and they just report botted me lol Originally posted by :its griefing ban btw i didnt even grief the guys thought i was cheating and they just report botted me lol репорт бот кс го OW did an overwatch on you and saw that you where clearly greifing and banned you. And start limiting the reports. We have to let steam know instead of fighting each other. And set a cooldown system to the report system as well!.

You guys need to give less power to the reporting system! Ich weiss das er seit ca 15-16 jahren cs spielt!

Report Page