Rejection Tumblr

Rejection Tumblr


Unused Wonder Woman Vol. 4 #0 cover (2012)
Unused Thor Vol. 1 #609[?] cover (2010) [The Mighty Thor Vol. 1 #609[?] ]
For sure they knew her, but now showed her no regard.
Популярные блоги на тему "rejected"
I'm sorry for every time you expected better results than I could actually give
I don't suffice, I'm not enough. Go on, find another bitch and text her.
History That's More Than 2 Dimensional.
Here is a collection of the emojis that have been rejected by the Unicode Consortium. Click here to share them all with your friends!
no offense at all or anything dude just dont give that person attention stop answering their asks they obviously didnt have much attention growing up
yeah i know dear thats what i usually do this was an exception dont worry i really dont care
You seeking attention and not either killing yourself or getting help tbh
then paypal me some money to get help bitch i literally work for my therapist to be able to pay for my therapy sndjsjfjs why is any of this your business
Emily: shitty equestrian from Trashvale, California. sometimes I draw stuff
Another mustang glow up, over the course of 7 years. She originally came from the internet auction I'm always on about! This mare's owner runs a sanctuary (that I have not investigated) and posted these photos as part of a fundraiser. You can check that out here.
I don’t want to talk to anyone I don’t want to hear anything I don’t want to be in my body right now
"...the Internet's leading repository of screenshots of the rose-bereft." -Grantland "Faces of Rejected Bachelorettes is an idea perfect in its simplicity, tragedy, and modern pathos." - Jezebel "a popular Tumblr blog" - The New York Times
"We aren't the only kids who grew up like this"
Hello everyone. I decided to abandon this account for a very good reason. Hello, my name is Avery and I'm a transgender boy. I had this account before I came out to everyone and this account holds many "feminine" pictures of me and it makes me uncomfortable of people thinking of me like that. I'm sorry. My new account will be @gallivantessence
i am gay and cold. reblog if you are also gay and cold
Not to be gay but…ha ha just kidding I’m always gay bitch you thought😉🏳️‍🌈
Hi I'm Rebecca ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<\/script>'); |
I'm actually dad. var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<\/script>'); |
Welcome to the official website for actress Sheri Moon Zombie. SMZ is known for her captivating performance of anti-hero Baby Firefly of the Firefly clan, in Rob Zombies movies House of 1000 Corpses (2003), The Devils Rejects (2005) and 2019's 3 From Hell. As well as these role's SMZ has appeared in Rob Zombie's reimagining of the Halloween series as Michael Myers mother Debbie, and the hilarious adult animated movie The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009) as Suzi X. SMZ has also appeared in numerous music videos for her husbands solo music. Sheri has also worked with the legendary director Tobe Hooper in his 2004 remake of the Toolbox Murders and appeared in the S2 E1 episode 'Slip Of The Tongue' of the David Duchovny tv series Californication. Sheri Moon Zombie is a vegan, animal activist and enjoys hobbies such as pottery, her farm which she shares with husband Rob Zombie where they live with their rescued goats, pug Godzilla and cat Renfield. XOXOXO
Humor at the expense of Republicans. No original content.
'I'm like you,' he said. 'I remember everything
Courtney; all I wanted to know was their names but now I'm in way deeper than I ever expected + var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); document.write('<\/script>');
19 \\ Grunge and Vaporwave Butch Dyke \\ DM's and asks open \\ terfs, transphobes, and fascists not allowed \\ Pro-ANTIFA and BLM
He/Him. Libertarian Socialist With A Dash of Absurdism. Azathothian Cosmicist. Bootlickers Interact So I Can Laugh At You. Fuck This Society. Working Class Rustbelt Dweller. Prison Abolitionist. Tired of Spineless Liberal Bullshit. Folk, Punk, and Anything That Has Great Lyrics. Chemistry, and Biology for the Win. Down With the State! Down With Capitalism! Bread is to be Conquered!
Why are medieval movies always serious war dramas? I just want a medieval rom com. No listen - it could be so good:
The film opens with the wedding - William de something or other is a young nobleman who expected to spend the rest of his life in a monastery illuminating books when his older brother suddenly dies, leaving him with a title and a huge estate to run. He needs a wife and heir to legitimize his claim, and Eleanor is the young daughter of the lord in the neighboring estate. She is eager to get out of her fathers house and become a wife, and the marriage will be a strategic alliance between the two families. Everything is perfect.
However, it instantly becomes clear that the newlyweds can’t stand each other. He thinks she is a shallow teenager, she thinks he’s a pretentious asshole. As soon as they are alone on their wedding night, they make a plan. Instead of consummating their marriage, they will write to the pope with some excuse (that I need to actually research) and request an annulment. The letter will take several months to reach the Vatican and back, and in the mean time they decide to keep it a secret and play the role of a happy couple.
Shenanigans ensue. Running an estate is hard, and both of them are terrible at it. Eleanor starts off on the wrong foot with the seneschal and the servants, the money isn’t adding up, and William has to deal with his serfs coming to him with increasingly hilarious and convoluted complaints. He snores, she hogs the blankets. The members of the household spy and gossip, the animals are underfoot, and someone is always playing the bagpipes at the worst time. The newlyweds bicker and argue and can’t wait for the letter to arrive so they can finally drop the charade and part ways.
After a while though, Eleanor starts getting the hang of being a lady. It turns out she has a brilliant head for math and logistics, and when she figures out that William’s seneschal has been cheating him and fixes the budget to get them through the winter, he starts to trust and rely on her to run the estate. It turns out that William’s abrasivness was hiding a pious and sensitive interior, and once he realised she won’t judge him for it he teaches Eleanor to appreciate art and philosophy (and also how to sword fight because this is my movie and I want a hot fencing lesson scene). Eleanor helps William come to terms with his bisexuality, he learns to respect her struggle as a woman in a patriarchal society (using language that make sense for the period). They realize that unfortunately they also find each other very attractive.
(Someone needs to come up with an actual plot, I’m not good at that.)
When I was a kid a pastor once said to me "nobody knows the hour or the day Jesus will return and anyone who predicts it will be wrong he won't show up" and the end of days as a concept really freaked me out so every so often, maybe once a week, I'd come up with random dates and times for Jesus to "come back" to ensure he wouldn't.
im really pissed that palindrome isnt palindrome backwards
Riley, or Vee, or Boss. 25, She/Her, Bi Trans Gal, Engaged to @nonbinary-cherry, I'm a Vtuber now! find me on twitch as VirtualHeroVRanger
tag me in selfies and I'll reblog them xx
Two people grimly in love and sharing the same passion for Black and Death Metal Enjoy!
Hi I'm Jessica, I'm 25 and this blog is dedicated to Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum :) *5sos-official follows*
♡ I love you so much it could kill me!!! ♡
askpenpointandfriends and also some art
Main blog: ♪♫An All-American Rejects fan page for the AARmy. The creators of hits like- Gives You Hell, Move Along, Dirty Little Secret, and more! ♪♫
Emotionally abusive people fucking suck because they act like they’re the victims and that they’re the nicest person in the world. They make you feel like utter crap and make it nearly impossible for you to prove that you’re the actual victim.
first of all hair style if that even is ur name
If your writing is not getting the attention it needs, tag it with #rejectscorner (no space in between) for it to pop up on our radar. We are The Rejects, we help unnoticed awesomeness get noticed. P.S. We have superpowers. Be warned: Admins only regularly track "#rejectscorner." Any spin offs are less likely to be read (eg. "#rejects corner" or "therejectscorner")
reading through old journal entries is so painful sometimes. it’s like looking at your old self through an impenetrable glass -the girl you used to be- and not being able to talk to her, even though you are reading her thoughts now. even though you know how it all ends, she doesn’t. like not being able to hold her back because you know she has to learn these lessons on her own. to grow her own conclusions. all you can hope now is to someday give her those answers she was looking for. I swear she deserves that much.
If two birds each hop on a train each heading towards eachother both 300 miles apart and one train is 40 mph while the other is 37 mph how long would it take to clean up the mess if each bird flew off at the same time and collided into eachother? if i am feathers then i am gathering dust and muck and viscera from the platform
If I could google the things I’ve misplaced, My search history would be filled with Repeated inputs for my little silver hoop earrings, The match to my black sock, my time lost to many boys and men, That fill my contact list, When I can’t recall their face.
Welcome to FuckYeahDirtyLittleSecret Established in March 2011 by Mandy Secondary blogger - CJ Personal Blogs Mandy - CJ -
i don't really come here this anymore. feel free to message me here if you want one of my saved links.
A girl has no name. 23.Greece. Make your life a story worth telling. Instagram:pasioan
Since there was no fuckyeahmythbusters tumblr in existence, I realized it was my duty to create one.
I am Jamie Hyneman, co-host of MythBusters : IAmA
I am Adam Savage, co-host of Mythbusters, back again. AMA! : IAmA
jake/drifty (also answers to a number of other aliases) too many fandoms to list. captain flint is my spirit animal. ace | gay | he/him
Flower Shot Freestyle (prod. By Mandroid)
Flower Shot Freestyle (prod. By Mandroid)
The Rejects are outcasted characters in a post-apocalyptic multiverse, set out to live a comfortable life in FireWall Gaster’s Mini anti void, but not everything can be as they expect. [Call Me: Bazzy] [she/her] [age-20] [instagram: Lunacy_Loon ] [feel free to message or ask] Discord: CrazyBazzy#8747 Commissions are on hold but feel free to ask [EVENT: Back To The Roots] Icon by Me and Header By Me
Old steel. Rust. Blowers. Injection. Tattoos. Metal. Rat Rods. Tunes. Leadsleds. Piercings. Cool shit.
Another Chance At Life - Rejection_isnt_failure - Pitch Perfect (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
NOTICE: NO LONGER TAKING SUBMISSIONS. See FAQ for more information. In December of 2015, this blog reached its predetermined expiration date and is running on queue through June 2016. Stories of hitting peak trans, peak gender worship, and rejecting the gender cult. Compiled by a...
i want to first say that all of this i say out of love and thirst for truth. i know there’s going to be major issues after what i have to say, and i accept that. please know that i am the same person you’ve liked and respected. i consider myself a seeker of truth and all i want is to raise consciousness. this is going to be difficult to read but i urge you to read the whole thing, think about what i’ve said, and come to your own conclusions. there are a lot of questions i’m asking that have been forbidden but they need to be asked, and when questions are forbidden in a movement something is extremely wrong.
why do we have to talk about male and female?
what is female and male socialization?
. I am a Woman. I will not be re-classified by men who “feel like” women. I will not tolerate being called CIS-woman, biological-woman, genetic-woman, woman-born-woman or female-woman. I will not tolerate being accused of having CIS privilege, obtained illegitimately at the moment of my birth. I will not tolerate being accused of wielding this privilege over men. I will fight back against this misogynistic attack that only seeks to silence me and make me invisible.
. I am a lesbian. I will not be re-classified by men who “feel like” women. I will not call men who “feel like” women, lesbians. I will call them what they are: heterosexual men. I will not put up with being accused of having “mono-sexual privilege” that I wield over men. I will not be shamed and bullied into having sex with men who say they are lesbians and I will call those who try what they are: sexual predators. I will never sign up, line up or shut up about the genocidal assimilation of my lesbian sisters into your transgender cult. I will gather with my sisters wherever and whenever I please and I will not grant you access no matter what woman hating law I am breaking. I will fight back against this misogynistic/homophobic attack that only seeks to silence me and make me invisible.
. I am a woman. I will not stand for the ridiculous premise that I am trans-misogynist. It is my birthright to speak out loud about any idea or practice that harms women. I will continue to speak out loud about male privilege, male entitlement and male pattern violence. I will continue to expose the real hatred that men direct at women, wether those men happen to “feel like a woman” at the time or not. I will fight back against this misogynistic attack that only seeks to silence me and make me invisible.
. I am a woman. I reject all notions that there is such a thing as ‘Gender Dysphoria’, female brain, woman feelings, or any other gender based idea, theory or practice. I reject your gender binary straight jacket. I reject your pornographic version of woman and the sexual slavery you promote. I will fight back against this misogynistic attack that only seeks to silence me and make me invisible
A woman who doesn’t want to be treated like a woman doesn’t need testosterone, she needs feminism.
I have been peachy. Ready to paint the walls with my brain.
OMG so bad. So terrible. Almost ready to blow my brains out.
Do you do HC and scenarios? Just curious if you’re open to it.
Checked this blog again on a whim and I don't intend to come back
If you want some HxH headcanons you can send them in over at my writing blog @okiitas-imagines I write for the Phantom Troupe
You're the snake hidden in my daffodils/ when I'm picking flowers/ That's just my luck these days
Imagine Magnus just walking in with the little baby warlock in hand without saying a word and Alec is just there trying to figure out if he’s hallucinating or just going crazy
that supergirl lesbian kiss where the girls look like they are going to quit after that take is the polar opposite of the scene in brokeback where alma sees jack and ennis making out and heath ledger almost broke jake gyllenhaals nose
checking social media for news on ice adolescence is the equivalent of opening your own fridge, closing it, and then immediately opening it again expecting groceries to have magically appeared.
Ideally a book would have no order to it, and the reader would have to discover his own...
my chemical romance meets harry styles. Isa | 21 | Brasil .
Emilia, 19, New York, London, and Chicago. This blog used to be good now all I do is bitch about hockey and pretend not to like one direction
North Korea declared war on us and I found out via meme
hannah, 15, new zealand. i do not promote self harm and/or suicide!!! please anyone feel free to message me i'm here for anyone and everyone
u ever catch yourself overthinking then you’re like bitch what the fuck who cares
Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.
oh awesome. do you plan on getting more or nah?
Nad//24//crazy cay lady// thanks for coming to my ted talk ✨
Just gotta put a quote that I like from a movie that I (kinda) dislike here
“Sometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can't fake a thought.”
mariah. 22. east coast. chaotic lifestyle. desires what she can't have.
Rejected Savage Dragon #250 sketch variant cover (2020)
[according to Frank Cho himself, his original cover has never been used due to he received the criticisms from comments and emails for “too violent”, “too muscular”, “not black enough” and "White Power hand signal".]
Rejected Moon Knight Vol. 3 #1 sketch cover (1998)
Art by: Tommy Lee Edwards and Robert Campanella
Manchester United have no intention to accept any loan bid for Alex Telles as of today. There’s no agreement with Roma on a potential loan deal. (Source: Fabrizio Romano)
imagine dating Loki, only to find out that he had agreed to go out with you the day he was rejected by the person he likes. 
"Loki, I love you, but I don't want to be just a substitute to you. What? Do I have to play second fiddle to someone else when I'm looking for a life partner?" You were shaking your head slowly, tears streaming down your face.
With a sad, sad smile, you say, "It was all just so convenient and coincidental, huh?"
Loki's face was pale. His mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. 
What could he say? He, himself, didn't know if he was using you as a substitute. Every time the thought crossed his mind, he had pushed it aside, unwilling to confront it.
You thought your heart was broken, but apparently it could still bear more pain, because that was what Loki not giving a response did to you. He didn't even deny it...
"It's over." You looked at Loki to remember the details of his face, a farewell to the person you thought would be your life partner.
Gritting your teeth, you turned around and ran away. 
And Loki was left standing there, still rooted to the spot. He didn't even realise that he had shed a tear when he heard you say that it was over.
Yeonjun: This *shows soobin the video of him saying bye guys, hi ladies and then blowing a kiss on vlive*
Beomgyu: ooooo, someone is getting rejected~
Soobin: Hyung, please don't s
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