Reign Of Fire Sub Download

Reign Of Fire Sub Download


Reign Of Fire Sub Download

A 12 year old Quinn Abercromby accompanies his mother to work one day at a London tunneling project, his witnesses the accidental uncovering of a centuries old fire-breathing dragon beast and waking it from its sleep. After witnessing the beast kill his mother the film jumps twenty years later to a grown up Quinn who is the "fire chief" in a refugee camp. Unexpectedly an American militia leader shows up at the camp with a group of men that he calls "slayers." Van Zan and Quinn engage in a power struggle, before realizing it's the dragons they should be fighting instead.
It is twenty years in the future, and the planet has been devastated by vicious fire-breathing dragons. The last vestiges of humanity now struggle for survival at remote outposts. In a ruined castle in the English countryside, Quinn is desperately trying to hold together a band of frightened, restless survivors. As a boy, Quinn watched his mother die protecting him from one of the beasts, and is still haunted by the memory. One day, a group of American rogues shows up, led by a brash, tough-guy named Van Zan. He claims to have discovered a way to kill the dragons once and for all, and enlists Quinn's help. But doing so will force Quinn to confront his own frightening memories. This, and Quinn's responsibilities to those that are under his protection, results in a battle of wills between the two men. In the end, events cause them both to realize that they must work together to defeat the monsters--both without and within.
At first I thought this wouldn't be good until I finally saw it. I really liked how the dark mood stayed throughout the whole movie accompanied by nice action and special effects. Matthew McConaughey(did I spell it right?) and Chrsitian Bale work good as the scruffy dragon slayers alongside the female lead who adds a spark of her own. I would recommend this, it's even better that's it's PG-13 as it's on cable - meaning it'll come on in the daytime, Nice, dark, rugged science fiction flick
If you can put up with the brooding hero throughout the entire length of this movie it's a pretty entertaining story. The dragons are first-rate and the battle with them quite realistic as fantasies go. The politics tossed into dialog seem amusing ("Only thing worse than a dragon is Americans") until you realize when it's all over how heavily weighted by politics the production was. The various types of heroes represented are either righteously politically correct or they're made to look like madmen. I'm keeping this movie in my collection as a example of liberal social engineering, well, until the real fire-breathing dragons of this world take everything away.
A collision of medieval fantasy and commando action movie, where you can almost believe in the high-concept mix-and-matching.
Van Zan was talking about a specific time of day during sunrise and sunset called "magic hour" or "golden hour", when the light from the sun is softer. Van Zan had figured out that the dragons have impaired vision during that time of the day. We see evidence of this during the final battle with the male dragon in London when we see things from it's perspective, its vision is distorted, somewhat blurred and unfocused, making it harder for the dragon to see clearly. a5c7b9f00b

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