Reign Of Fire In Hindi Free Download

Reign Of Fire In Hindi Free Download


Reign Of Fire In Hindi Free Download

A 12 year old Quinn Abercromby accompanies his mother to work one day at a London tunneling project, his witnesses the accidental uncovering of a centuries old fire-breathing dragon beast and waking it from its sleep. After witnessing the beast kill his mother the film jumps twenty years later to a grown up Quinn who is the "fire chief" in a refugee camp. Unexpectedly an American militia leader shows up at the camp with a group of men that he calls "slayers." Van Zan and Quinn engage in a power struggle, before realizing it's the dragons they should be fighting instead.
A brood of fire-breathing dragons emerges from the earth and begins setting everything ablaze, establishing dominance over the planet.
Not 'gray' but 'grey.' I figure I saw less than half the film, because so much of it was telephoto shots zoomed-in on fast action in dim light; super-fast cutting between scenes, many cuts so fast I couldn't really tell what was going on. I wonder if today's young movie-goer is able to see any more detail than I do, or if they simply accept this type of rapid scene cutting as 'cutting edge' and think it's wonderful just because it is the fashion? I liked Mad Max, but this film seemed too bent on duplicating it in a different setting. What a waste of good actors; good-looking actors who are hidden behind oily grimy grey makeup. Supposedly McConaughey & Bale toned up their bodies for these roles, but I think the previews showed more of them than was seen in the film itself. I wish I had waited to see this on video, because it sure was a waste of time getting to the theater, not to mention not worth the matinee price I paid to get in.
With the exception on the behalf of Matthew Mcconaughey and Christian Bale's performances, because I truly believe that they tried, I have to say that this movie sucked fireballs. 5.5 out of 10.
Often incomprehensible (a combination of jumpy editing and lots of thick British Isles accents) and hardly ever entertaining - even unintentionally.
Van Zan was talking about a specific time of day during sunrise and sunset called "magic hour" or "golden hour", when the light from the sun is softer. Van Zan had figured out that the dragons have impaired vision during that time of the day. We see evidence of this during the final battle with the male dragon in London when we see things from it's perspective, its vision is distorted, somewhat blurred and unfocused, making it harder for the dragon to see clearly. a5c7b9f00b

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