RedCab: A decentralized overall transportation organize-REVIEW HOT ICO 2018

RedCab: A decentralized overall transportation organize-REVIEW HOT ICO 2018



RedCab LLC could be a company created with the only purpose of fixing the operational exosystem of Transportation. RedCab LLC was based in middle 2016 and that they have conjointly succeeded in launching their own mobile application in 2017.


Nowadays, we've seen that the transportation sector has such a large amount of problems like insecurity, inconsistency, unreliableness so more. Although, such a large amount of previous models are created to resolve this, however it the top, they still suffer inevitable casualty. RedCab is sort of completely different because it provides answer to issues that linger within the trasportation system by making a business model that provides longterm quality, safey and profit for its users and most importantly the drivers too aren't left behind.

The RedCab technology will provide taxi corporations and drivers job property without concern of dropping financial gain. Transparency and consistency will play a serious role within the business model which is able to be achieved by a community driven decentralised solutiom ruled by good contracts. This ensures loyalty and continual usabilty from drivers and cutomers severally.


There are extremely fascinating services that RedCab offers, it advantages all parties concerned within the business. Below are a number of the offered services.

Ø automobile Hailing and Pooling: No got to run aground trying to find cabs for individual visits, family, business or the other associated purpose, with RedCab, you'll be able to simply request for a cab.

Ø edifice and flying field Transportation: you'll be able to schedule varied visits if you're about to hotels, clubs or special uses.



No one enjoys waiting to induce cabs for visits and every one, RedCab can cut back the waiting time of shoppers and guarantee swish usage.

Lower transportation fare that successively results in sensible savings, and also the rate doesn't fluctuate.

The referral program creates opportunities for individuals to receive more earnings.

Tokens may be attained through proof of promoting

For Drivers

There will be further earning and profit

More rides per hour that brings additional earnings too

Multi choices of transportation services

Earning tokens through PoD (Proof-of-Driving)

There ar still such a large amount of advantages for users, the hotels and restaurants aren't disregarded ad they'll conjointly earn with RedCab through ads and conjointly discount.

RedCab has created positive their business model covers property, affordability and security for purchasers. we tend to now not need to worry regarding our visits, delivery orders so way more that evolves round the transportation. there'll even be three classes of Cabs that are

Economic Cabs that ar extremely reasonable to use and for fast visits.

Family Cabs which is able to be quite larger in size to occupy additional individuals, appropriate for family visits.

Luxury Cab largely for work visits and conjointly business conferences, the luxurism is sort of distinctive.

Red Cab that is that the elegant and distinctive one from others because it can contain solely few individuals, users pay quite over the others and drivers will be ready to earn additional tokens.

The business model of RedCab LLC ensures that users aren't afraid that they're disbursement over what's necessary, hence the requirement for transparency that is why the good contracts ar about to be used. Also, the drivers won't need to worry regarding revenue being shared or a part of their earnings interrupt as they'll be the total a hundred accumulated from visits.

The RedCab Mobile App can have various options one in all that is show geo-targeted ads for world reach. Users won't need to worry regarding conversion rate because it is going to be designed to create ads thriving. it's conjointly about to be multi-lingual with regarding vi languages which are able to increase the user expertise.

The Mobile App will be ready to schedule rides, users are going to be ready to order for cabs and obtain the closest driver inside your location. you'll be able to conjointly schedule your visits if you're the business kind that attends conferences very often.

RedCab and Blockchain Technology

The RedCab business model is going to be captive to a decentralized scheme which is able to even be equipped with dApps which are able to run on P2P further as blockchain networks. this is often to create positive there's no interference from third parties or any single authority. alternative options embrace proof of promoting and proof of driving that provides incentives for drivers as they'll earn tokens to this point they follow due protocols whereas driving.

RedCab Token Details and ICO

The token sale can begin on June first, 2018 00:00 universal time and can endways August fifteenth, 2018 23:59 universal time or if the tokens reach hard cap before the limit.

RedCab Conclusion

Truly the blockchain technology has wedged varied industries, and also the transportation sector has not been left behind. With the utilization of the technological advancements that have taken place within the blockchain, we tend to ar assured this company will deliver what it guarantees. Not forgetting the intensive analysis and systems that are placed in situ, the platform so proves promising











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