Red Tails Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

Red Tails Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


Red Tails Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

A crew of African American pilots in the Tuskegee training program, having faced segregation while kept mostly on the ground during World War II, are called into duty under the guidance of Col. A.J. Bullard.
Italy, 1944. As the war takes its toll on Allied forces in Europe, a squadron of black pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen are finally given the chance to prove themselves in the sky - even as they battle discrimination on the ground. It's a tribute to the unsung heroes who rose above extraordinary challenges and ultimately soared into history.
A good but not great movie<br/><br/>I liked Red Tails. It is hard to make a movie when the plot line is known before hand by many viewers. Despite great initial opposition from racists, during WWII some Blacks were trained to be air force pilots and performed very well during the war. Still, Red Tails tells this true story already known to many fairly accurately and fairly well. The acting is good, but not great. The plot line is OK. <br/><br/>I am a Black man, born in D. C. in 1941. Growing up I heard stories from many of my parents&#39; friends about how life was for Blacks before, during, and after World War II, including some Blacks who had served in World War II. All I have learned since confirms almost all of what my parents&#39; friends told me. Red Tails accurately represents that reality. Around WWII segregation was the general rule. My parents&#39; friends who had college degrees and master&#39;s degrees often had to take postal clerk jobs because no Whites would hire them for the jobs they were qualified for. Most Whites thought Blacks were usually or almost always or always intellectually incompetent. Most Whites thought Blacks could not be good military pilots and the Tuskegee airmen proved them wrong. By all accounts I have heard or read the Tuskegee airmen did an exceptional job escorting American bombers. I do not doubt that some White bomber personnel publicly supported the Tuskegee airmen. I am sure the Tuskegee airmen initially met with discrimination at times in the European theater. I also heard from Black men who had fought in Europe that European women often did not have the predictable intense prejudice towards Black men that White American women usually had. The movie shows many Whites changing their mind about Blacks and some Whites supporting Black advancement at the risk of their careers. <br/><br/>I cannot judge the debate over whether the air battles were realistic. However, I have read a couple of comments on the movie by Tuskegee airmen who saw the movie.They said it was an accurate representation of their experience. The movie may to some degree romanticize a primarily Black experience, but I can hardly hold this against it with so many movies much more greatly romanticizing some aspect of the White experience. A good movie that also informs about history is a great movie to see.
I&#39;m a pilot and Army veteran. This movie would be entertaining if you were 11 years old and liked to watch cartoons, but otherwise no. It is an insult to brave men who risked everything for their country, anyone who has ever flown an aircraft, and any actor who has ever appeared in a film.<br/><br/>I feel sorry for the actors whose names are sullied with this on their resumes.<br/><br/>The script is wooden and terrible. The aircraft perform impossible aerodynamic feats, with weapons that never run out of ammunition, and weapon effects that are totally unrealistic. The rounds either totally destroy targets they aren&#39;t capable of really hurting, or have little effect on targets that should have been totally destroyed. It is as if a child were designing the effects, with no regard to how the historical aircraft actually flew, performed, or fought.<br/><br/>I saw it at a friend&#39;s house with on-demand cable. I&#39;m glad it didn&#39;t cost me anything and I could drink his beer for free.
Perhaps the movie's most surprising feat? Somehow, the darned thing mostly works, probably because its heart is in the right place.
The movie is inspired by the real-life adventures of the first African-American combat unit to serve in World War II. a5c7b9f00b

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