Record foundation

Record foundation

bakul banyu

Record foundation

RECORD Project is the world’s first project to empower not only the artists but also the listeners by applying blockchain technology into fully functioning music platform, RecordFarm. This project is run and designed by RECORD Foundation. Record foundation is the first reward-based music service platform. This is solution for traditional music industry, it creates a healthy environmet where creative work are valued, curations from listeners are rewarded and transparency is ensured. RECORD Foundation can be one of the first companies to succeed in removing the 16th Century system whereby an artist gives up most rights to a publisher and instead becomes their own publisher. Artists will be able to track where their music is being played and calculate the amount of usage and get paid.


Recordfarm is open music platform served by Record foundation, RecordFarm is a revolutionary reward-based music service platform that transforms traditional music services. RecordFarm is decentralized music platform base ethereum blockchain that rewards content creators with RCD tokens relative to the amount of ‘likes’ or ‘voting’ the content has received. RecordFarm plans to build the world’s first reward-based music platform service for artists who have not only struggled to post and share music, but also to receive fair compensations for their work.

RecordFarm uses blockchain technology to protect the content rights of its valuable artists. Also, direct, transparent transactions are made between the artists and listeners in the absence of an intermediary, preventing losses for the artists. This resolves the core problems in the current music industry. RecordFarm already developed and operating successfully in the market, the ambition RecordFarm is is to attract 50,000 more artists, 2 million monthly active users, and manage copyright and royalties of around 1,000 new songs per day by 2020.

Benefit using recordfarm

  • The artis can posting and sharing their music, and Listeners can contribute to artists income by interacting with the music, every interaction delivers an additional monetary reward for artists in the form of RCD tokens, giving the artists a direct payment which in turn incentivizes them to produce higher quality music.
  • Listeners can interacting with in the form of voting, commenting and sharing. Base on contribution, listeners will rewarded with RCD token that will can be use for to purchase music and other.
  • The RecordFarm will expand RCD token-based services for constructing a RECORD token economy. this is will be greatly heighten the value of our RCD token and will increase the investment value.


RECORD token is the cryptocurrency of the RecordFarm platform. The artist and listeners will be rewarded base contribution on the platform. this reward system using record (RCD) token to incentive the artists listeners. The artists will rewards by creating the music (More popular the music, More RCD token will received) and listeners will rewarded by interacting with the music. Also RCD token is — as a global payments system for transactions of music or other related contents worldwide, is planned to be used for services not only limited to RecordFarm, but also for concerts, tickets and related goods with API.


Name of token: RECORD

Symbol: RCD

Type: ERC20

Token Price: 1 RCD = 0.1 USD

Fundraising Goal: 15,000,000 USD

Contribution method: ETH

Total number of tokens generated: 300.000.000 RCD token

Total number of tokens on sale: 150.000.000 RCD token (50%)

Minimum contribution: 5.000 RCD token

Maximum contribution: 10.000.000 RCD token for presale and 50.000.000 RCD token for crowdsale.


Start: April 15, 2018

End: April 22, 2018

Discount: 20%

Hardcap: 15.000.000 RCD token

Exchange rate ETH/USD will be locked on April 14.


Start: April 30, 2018

End: June 30, 2018

Round 1: Until the first 45.000.000 RCD token is all sold (10% discount)

Round 2: Until the second 45.000.000 RCD token is all sold (5% discount)

Round 3: Until the third (last) 45.000.000 RCD token is all sold (No discount)

* Exchange rate ETH/USD will be locked on April 29.

* Unsold token will be burn if not meet Hardcap.

* During or after the completion of the ICO, RECORD foundation will send request to each purchaser to provide information to verify his/her identity. The purchaser will be required to provide a copy of his/her ID (passport, driving license or national ID card), and residence information.






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