Recommenders Guide EN

Recommenders Guide EN

Victor Strunin

We welcome your desire your desire to join the community of people who care not only about their own well-being, but also help others and prefer to benefit society!


At this document:

➡️ Who can be a recommender?

➡️ To whom to recommend?

➡️ What must be done to receive a reward?

➡️ What is the benefit of recommendations?

Who can be a recommender?

As you have already made sure, our company has been continuously selecting and providing worldwide for more than 25 years the access to the most modern and up-to-date Wellness solutions for maintaining and restoring of health, including a system of training and support upto the desireble result.

Due to the systemic (holistic) approach - Health Concepts, millions of people around the world are already solving their health issues today and are grateful to those people who made them aware of the Coral Club opportunities.

Our Company gives the opportunity to receive a fair, regular and honest income for those people who:

✅ inspired by the value of our idea and our product
✅ strive to have more from life and from the company than just to be satisfied consumer
✅ have a desire to help other people improve their health
✅ understand the prospects of the Wellness market (health market) for the development
✅ determined to develop in a progressive community

IMPORTANTLY! Actively use the help of your curator (mentor) at the beginning of your journey as a recommender (especially if you are just getting to know the product). Your mentor is exactly those person who will be able to help you convey completely the essence and the value of the idea to people, 'cause he/she has extensive practical experience in using the product, in supporting people and accompanying them as well as a rich list of their strong results.

At the same time, you can save time and start generating your own income from the first days of your decision, involving your mentor to hold meetings with new people.

INTERESTING FACT: every mentor is interested in your career growth, because unlike the vast majority of companies, our rule is "We grow only when our people grow!"

To whom to recommend?

Feel free to recommend our business, our Wellness system and our Wellness solutions and products to other people who:

✅ understand and care about health (including doctors, nutritionists, dietitians)
✅ want to restore their own health statuse
✅ actively engage in sports, healthy lifestyle and wellness (including wellness coaches, fitness trainers, yogas)
✅ prefer to improve indicators of performance and efficiency (including sportsmens, athletes, bodybuilders)
✅ strive to look better, to have more strength and energy (including beauticians, cosmetologists)
✅ interested in anti-aging products and active longevity (including models, stylists, makeup artists)
✅ aimed at receiving a decent additional income (including freelancers, self-employed persons, entrepreneurs)
✅ aimed at developing their own business (including business owners and managers)

What must be done to receive the reward?

Your role is to adequately disseminate information about our idea, our values, our Health Concept and our Wellness solutions. All the actions you will do with appropriate support from expert practitioners and the step-by-step training system.

You will not be paid for:

❌ "pulling", recruiting people, issuing a discount in any way (sectarianism)
❌ repurchases and resales of the product (retail trade)
❌ intimidation and fables in the health theme
❌ treatment (not our theme at all)

You get paid for:

✅ help in the sale of the product (creation of turnover) via
✅ high-quality recommendations and informing people (marketing) and
✅ the value that you create for people and the Company

In order to receive a reward, you need to provide information about the Health Concept to a person who is interested in health and to help issue a discount on our product. It will be the same size as for you.

To do this, you just send to the person your referral link in the format that is shown below, where you should enter your own discount number (club member number) instead of the numbers "0000000":

☑️ For Ukraine:

☑️ For other countries:

Also, your referral link is placed both on the official website of the Company in your personal account, which is available after authorization on the website, and in the Coral Club mobile application

If you havn't had yet your own discount number, you can get it from the person who recommended our company to you (your recommender) or to write here right now and issue your discount (free of charge)

Each person not only buys a product, but also gets access to Health Schools, international health chats and personal support to the desirable result.

We recommend that you feel free to contact your curator (most often the recommender) for help, support and all necessary materials.

What is the benefit of referrals?

Working according to the system of quality recommendations opens up a number of interesting opportunities for you:

✅ fully repay the cost of the Company's products using for yourself and for your family
✅ receive additional income from any country in the world
✅ receive a full basic income
✅ start your own business of an international scale without capital investments by using a ready-made platform, tools and support&training system.

Every time, as a result of your recommendation, a person will understand the value and adopt our Health Concept, and buy a product of the company for consuption with his own discount, you will be charged from 5% to 25% of the reward every time!

In other words, your referral quality is directly proportional to your income

That is, due to the usual recommendations, you get the opportunity to:

✅ compensate the cost of the product for yourself and your family
✅ get additional income
✅ receive a high permanent income without an upper limit
✅ develop your own international business with a team of professionals
✅ create a reliable source of residual (passive) income
✅ sincere gratitude from the people to whom you recommended us

There is one of the common examples of using the benefits of recommendations in our Company below for the budget of a family of 2-3 people:

To learn more about income opportunities, contact the person who gave you this document or fill out this form

Do you have any questions? Write here

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