Reaching definition example

Reaching definition example

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Reaching Definitions. • A definition of a variable x is a statement that assigns, or may assign, a value to x. • A definition d reaches a point p if there exists a path from the point immediately following d to p such that d is not killed along that path.  Introduction to Data Flow Analysis. I. Example: Reaching definition analysis. II. Example: Liveness Analysis. III. A General Framework. (Theory in next lecture). Control-flow graph example. 3 . •A definition of a variable v is an assignment to v Reaching definitions. Available expressions. Backward. Live variables. Reaching Definitions? • Data Flow analysis. • Constraint based approach. • Abstract Interpretation. • Type and Effect Systems. Running Example y := x; // 1. Lecture 2. Introduction to Data Flow Analysis. I. Introduction. II. Example: Reaching definition analysis. III. Example: Liveness analysis. IV. A General Framework. So, the operation is also called a definition of the variable. Example: which defs of a may Similarly, we can define the reaching definitions of a basic block B. Example: for the reaching definitions problem, the domain of data-flow values is the set of all subsets of of definitions in the program. A particular data-flow value Reaching definitions, available expressions, reaching constants is available at a point where it is evaluated, it need not be recomputed. Example. 3 c := 4 * i. Data-flow analysis: reaching definitions. Recall that we consider a TAC program $ \cal {P}$ . We assume that it is generated from a high level language where

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