ReBoot The Guardian Code Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

ReBoot The Guardian Code Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


ReBoot: The Guardian Code Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

ReBoot: TGC follows the journey of four teenagers, Austin, Parker, Tamra, and Trey. On their first day at Alan Turning High, these unsuspecting teens discover they've been preselected to become the Next-Generation Guardians of Cyberspace with a mission to save the world - by defending it in cyberspace. With the help of VERA, an artificial intelligence bio-constructed as a teenage girl, ReBoot: TGC's heroes digitize into cyberspace where they use their code-based powers to combat viruses unleashed by a merciless hacker. Known only as the 'Sourcerer', this devious hacker seeks to rule the world by controlling cyberspace, and it's up to the Guardians to stop him.
Disclaimer: I am not the &quot;intended&quot; audience for this show, Adults will watch kids shows regardless if the creators intended them to or not, this is clearly a kid&#39;s show with it&#39;s target audience being around 8-12. It is not a very impressive show but it is tolerable at best. Children watching this show may very well be mollified for the duration, they may even come to enjoy it. <br/><br/>No, I am not an old ReBoot fan complaining about the new direction this show has taken the franchise. I&#39;m entering this franchise blind but now that I&#39;ve seen it I&#39;d rather find the original show and watch that, it shows more promise and has held up better than this ever will.<br/><br/>The concept of teenagers going to High-school and secretly saving the world as an extra-curricular is not a new one. It&#39;s rather tiring how often it&#39;s been done over the years and ReBoot: The Guardian Code is no exception to the rules. With obvious &quot;references&quot; to older shows and movies that followed the same premise but did the concept much better.<br/><br/>These new Guardians of Cyberspace and their AI friend VERA are rather bland and stereotypical tropes, even for this kind of show, so much so that I couldn&#39;t really remember their names by the end. Though some character development does occur over the episodes and the actors seem to enjoy their roles well enough. The implied plot that they are enrolled as de-facto Guardians purely because they have a combined high score of a rather lack-luster mobile game is disappointing. Just because they can play a mobile game does not mean they are capable of the huge role they have been given, sorry to disappoint any hopeful Guardians out there.<br/><br/>The Sourceror is the most ridiculous portrayal of a hacker. His constant self-exposition and general hammy acting makes him not much of a threat but children will find it easy to hate him non-the-less, without the Delete key to keep Megabyte on a leash the show could very well do without him. It would however render The DIS obsolete, something the show could also do without. The DIS are a very forgettable portrayal of the typical government task force that doesn&#39;t seem capable of doing it&#39;s job without the help of our four teenage protagonists. The &quot;Dark Code&quot; the Sourceror utilizes is very much a reminder this is a kid&#39;s show and does it a disservice as it gives children a false impression of current technology and how it can be exploited.<br/><br/>Megabyte; a virus with a very detailed history in the original show has returned. With a different voice actor and appearance he was probably the only thing that kept me interested throughout simply by speaking, he feels stunted in personality because of the Sourceror&#39;s influence which is regrettable. The voice actor does not seem to hold up the part particularly well when the character&#39;s voice is raised above speaking level, again that is regrettable but a commendation for effort as portraying such an iconic character is a hard task for anyone. I don&#39;t understand why the original model prior to the upgrade could not have been kept, clearly care and attention was given to the remaking the model and it was wasted. The new model does not look as intimidating as the original but it serves it&#39;s purpose.<br/><br/>Hexadecimal; another virus with history in the original show was my favourite part of episode 10, the banter between her and Megabyte feels like it was scripted much better than most of the show. Her character seems to be considered the most accurate of all of the older returning characters I&#39;ve read thus far. I hope Hex turns up more in the next ten episodes, she might just make the rest of this show bearable.<br/><br/>Bob, Dot and Enzo... Oh we are a sorry looking set of sprites aren&#39;t we? They look too plastic to be part of their environment. Their purpose in this episode seems to be entirely to give the fans of the original something to look forward to, and suffice it to say they don&#39;t cut the cyber-mustard for me either. The original voice actors for Dot and Bob are nice, but they seem to be lacking the spirit of said characters to the fans. <br/><br/>The constant cutting to the fan they say it is the User is rather out of place. but it seems like the character as a whole is a dig at the older ReBoot community by Rainmaker and I am not the only one to feel this way, how crude of the makers of this show to treat the older fans this way. They drove the spirit of the show on for the past 17 years hoping for a faithful revival and they are considered to be nothing but &quot;basement-dwelling neckbeards&quot; to the creators of this show? How ghastly, I don&#39;t think I could commit to the rest of this show knowing that fan-loyalty means nothing to them.
It&#39;s NOT ReBoot. It&#39;s NOT of the high quality nor standards of the original ReBoot. It has nothing to do with the REAL ReBoot. It spits on the original concept, storyline, and ideals of ReBoot. The creators of this new THANG should have saved their money from buying the rights to ReBoot to abuse so the original ReBoot and came up with their OWN creative ideas and use their OWN imaginations and used the money saved to make this new money making machine look even close to half as good as the original did. The original ReBoot was state of the art technology with creative story writing and great production all it&#39;s years. What this new money pit looks like it TV cheap production, pre ReBoot animation, it steals from MANY sources, and does nothing creative in the least. FACT: ReBoot: The Guardian Code (2018-) is NOT ReBoot in the least ... And for those posting praise while being a part of this &quot;ReBoot: The Guardian Code&quot; and for those trashing the voices of those of us who loved the original and can&#39;t stand this newness - no one asked me to post this. I am a 61 year old artist who owns his own creative company and is one who appreciates original, creation, imagination, and quality and the FACT is this new show lacks ALL of that and more. Happy trails making your money and hopefully &quot;The Hunt&quot; and the REAL storyline and characters and creation of ReBoot will continue someday to replace this. Le Sheppard


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