READ Wortcunning for Daemonolatry: A Formulary for the Daemonolater Alchemist and Gardener by S. Connolly pocket read italian tablet cheap

READ Wortcunning for Daemonolatry: A Formulary for the Daemonolater Alchemist and Gardener by S. Connolly pocket read italian tablet cheap

READ Wortcunning for Daemonolatry: A Formulary for the Daemonolater Alchemist and Gardener by S. Connolly pocket read italian tablet

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Book description

Book description
The ultimate herbal formulary for the working Daemonolater, Wortcunning for Daemonolatry includes over 150 recipes for magick, Daemonic work, and offerings, as well as preparation methods, rituals, and tips for growing your own magickal plants. Recipes for the Dukante, Goetic, and Grimoirium Verum hierarchies are included. Author S. Connolly brings the same straight-forward no-nonsense approach to herbalism (for Daemonolatry) that she does with other magickal subjects.
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