READ When Mountains Move by Julie Cantrell (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks

READ When Mountains Move by Julie Cantrell (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks

READ When Mountains Move by Julie Cantrell (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks

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Book description
It is the spring of 1943. With a wedding and a cross-country move, Millie’s world is about to change forever.  If only her past could change with it. Soon after the break of day, Bump will become Millie’s husband. And then, if all goes as planned, they will leave the rain-soaked fields of Mississippi and head for the wilds of the Colorado Rockies. As Millie tries to forget a dark secret, she hasn’t yet realized how drastically those past experiences will impact the coming days.For most of Millie’s life, being free felt about as unlikely as the mountains moving. But she’s about to discover that sometimes in life, we are given second chances, and that the only thing bigger than her past … is her future.
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