READ What the Bible says about--child training by J. Richard Fugate (Goodreads Author) book find format shop kickass

READ What the Bible says about--child training by J. Richard Fugate (Goodreads Author) book find format shop kickass

READ What the Bible says about--child training by J. Richard Fugate (Goodreads Author) book find format shop kickass

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Book description
What the Bible Says About Child Training is the title of a bestselling Christian book (300,000+ copies) and of a seminar nominated Best Film Series by the Christian Film Distributors in 1981. This material is unique in that the subject is handled solely from the Biblical viewpoint. The author accepts the Bible as absolute truth and as infinitely superior to any human system of thinking. There has been no attempt to modify Gods word to make it compatible with human philosophies, psychology, sociology, religious views, or public opinion. What the Bible Says About Child Training has been accepted by many Bible-believing churches as the standard text on child training since 1980. It has now been translated into seven foreign languages. This is a study designed to help parents to better understand their role and to reveal the mechanics for successfully raising children. To accomplish these ends this book will carefully define parental accountability, authority, and responsibility. It also describes the nature of a child and explains his Biblically-defined stages of development. With these principles firmly established, the book will present the Biblical system for training children. This system is divided into two distinct phases, controlling and teaching. The control phase is the establishment of the parents right of rulership over the will of the child. When parents can control their children, they have laid the necessary foundation for the fulfillment of the Biblical commandment for children to obey their parents. The teaching phase can only be accomplished by parents who have first trained their children to obey. This is because, before a child will receive the instructions of his parents, he must first respect their word; and before he will respect their word, he must first become obedient.
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