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READ Wet Work by Philip Nutman tablet format author itunes online

READ Wet Work by Philip Nutman tablet format author itunes online

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Book description
[316 Pages in Printed Book]The Genre is much enriched by his insight and creativity. --Clive Barker.What you have here is the literary equivalent of a Lucio Fulchi movie which races along like early George Romero --Jack Ketchum --author of The Girl Next Door, Red and Off Season.Before Resident Evil, before 28 Days Later, there was Philip Nutman. And there was Wet Work. --Tim Sullivan, Screenwriter and director. THE STORY: Dominic Corvino covert assassin, the CIA s top wet work specialist.Nick Packard a rookie cop about to undergo his baptism of fire on the Washington DC mean streets. Two different men whose destinies are about to collide as Armageddon unfolds... When a routine hit on a pair of rogue DEA agents goes horribly wrong in Panama, Corvino discovers not only has his team been betrayed from within, but he, too, is marked for death. For Packard, his first day on the job rapidly descends into Hell on Earth when a domestic disturbance turns into a blood-soaked nightmare. As a plague sweeps across the globe, turning normally non-lethal diseases fatal, the dead begin to revive. Violence-crazed and hungry for flesh, they are everywhere. And as their troops increase in size and appetite a new order is steadily established from coast to coast... A new order that leaves no room for the living.
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