READ Viola in the Spotlight by Adriana Trigiani (Goodreads Author) italian pdf ebay iphone free

READ Viola in the Spotlight by Adriana Trigiani (Goodreads Author) italian pdf ebay iphone free

READ Viola in the Spotlight by Adriana Trigiani (Goodreads Author) italian pdf ebay iphone free

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Book description
I quite enjoyed Adrianas YA debut, Viola in Reel Life, last year, and was eager for the sequel to be released. Viola in the Spotlight did not fall into the sequel slump, and, in my opinion, it was even better than the first! Viola Chesterton spent her entire freshman year away at boarding school, and she is ecstatic to be returning to New York City for the summer. She can finally spend everyday hanging out with her best friends, Andrew and Caitlin, and relax all summer. But, this summer will not be at all what she expected.Viola in the Spotlight allowed readers to get to know certain characters even better than in the prequel. Her parents, Andrew, and Caitlin, especially. Andrew, her best friend, has changed a lot while she was away at boarding school, and Viola is worried about their friendship. And when a British play director and his teenage son, Maurice, move into their basement, Caitlin falls in love. Caitlins character was very complex in this book. We got to better understand her and her parents rules, as well as her Indian culture. She didnt always prove to be a great friend to Viola because she constantly had Viola cover for her and Maurice so her parents wouldnt find out she had a boyfriend. In addition, so many of Violas friends (including her roommates) have gotten summer jobs and Violas grandmother helps her get an internship with the lightning director for her play. Violas Grand and her boyfriend are both fabulous actors, and are starring in a Broadway production of Arsenic and Old Lace.There were so many great plot twists in this book and Viola was such a real character. Anyone could relate to her as she dealt with the ups and downs of the summer before her sophomore year of high school. My heart went out to Viola when things got tough and some of her friendships were tested, and I only wanted the best for her.Her boarding school friends also played a role in this story. I am so glad I got to be reintroduced to the trio of fabulous girls Viola got to know during her first year of boarding school. Each of the girls had a distinct personality and they were such great great friends for Viola.I love realistic fiction novels and this one was no exception. The premise was unique and well executed and Adriana Trigiani created a memorable character in Viola. While there were a lot of laughs and fun moments, there was also a more emotional side to the book, making it that much more real. I liked the first book in the series, but I loved this one. I can only hope for a third book about Viola and her friends soon!Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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