READ Two of a Kind by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) online how to eng without registering eReader

READ Two of a Kind by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) online how to eng without registering eReader

READ Two of a Kind by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) online how to eng without registering eReader

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Book description
New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery welcomes readers back to Fools Gold, where a one-time fling could become the real thing...Felicia Swift never dreamed shed hear a deep, sexy voice from her past in tiny Fools Gold, California. The last time Gideon Boylan whispered in her ear was half a world away...on the morning after the hottest night of her life. Her freaky smarts have limited her close friendships, and romance, but she came to Fools Gold looking for ordinary. Gorgeous, brooding Gideon is anything but that. Black Ops taught Gideon that love could be deadly. Now he pretends to fit in while keeping everyone at arms length. Felicia wants more than he can give-a home, family, love-but she has a lot to learn about men...and Gideon needs to be the man to teach her. As these two misfits discover that passion isnt the only thing they have in common, they just might figure out that two of a kind should never be split apart.
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