READ Twelve Spanish Dances, Op. 5 by Enrique Granados (Composer) shop read access flibusta information

READ Twelve Spanish Dances, Op. 5 by Enrique Granados (Composer) shop read access flibusta information

READ Twelve Spanish Dances, Op. 5 by Enrique Granados (Composer) shop read access flibusta information

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Book description

Book description
Granadoss 12 Spanish Dances is a cycle of keyboard vignettes depicting Spanish life. This is the first critical edition published in the United States that includes Granadoss final revisions. Performance notes, historical information and a glossary of Spanish terms are included. This edition aids in interpretation through added fingerings, editorial pedal, and indications for subtle changes in tempo, which are integral to the performance of Spanish music. Dr. Kuehl-White studied in Barcelona with legendary Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha, who provided a tremendous legacy regarding the performance practice traditions of Granadoss music. Titles: Galante * Oriental * Fandango * Villanesca * Andaluza * Rondalla Aragonesa * Valenciana * Asturiana * Rom?ntica * Melanc?lica * Arabesca * Bolero.
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