READ Trash to Treasure series - Creatively Recycling with L.T. by Tom Noll online view shop prewiew italian

READ Trash to Treasure series - Creatively Recycling with L.T. by Tom Noll online view shop prewiew italian

READ Trash to Treasure series - Creatively Recycling with L.T. by Tom Noll online view shop prewiew italian

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This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing (no rithmatic!), movies, & TV. Blog reviews often contain links which are not reproduced here, nor will updates or modifications to the blog review be replicated here. Graphic and childrens novels reviewed on the blog will generally have some images from the books interior, which are not reproduced here.Note that I dont really do stars. To me a novel is either worth reading or it isnt. I cant rate a novel three-fifths worth reading! The only reason Ive relented and started putting stars up there is to credit the good ones, which were being unfairly uncredited. So, all youll ever see from me is a five-star or a one-star (since no stars isnt a rating, unfortunately).I rated this novel worthy!This is book one in the Trash to Treasure series for young children. Its an upbeat a charmer, and is very practical. Printed on recycled paper and illustrated beautifully in double-page images, this novel tells the somewhat autobiographical tale of LT (Little Tommy), who is growing and growing. Soon he needs a new bike, and his dad takes him to a junk yard so they can find the bits and pieces they need. They head home with a bunch of old, discarded bikes, and they cobble together a new one for Tommy. He even gets it painted so it doesnt look cobbled-together like his dads old truck does - a major selling point with Tommy!Its not long before the recycling bug grabs Tommy himself, and he has a few ideas of his own, especially with regard to recycling this collection of already recycled scrap bicycles! The book ends with a whole list of tips and tricks to help re-use and reduce, so its impact and its educational value is high.If I had one quibble it would be over Tommys dads recycled truck. It looks like a 1950 Chevy pickup truck and the mileage on those old trucks wasnt great: no more than 20mpg, and perhaps less (but gas was way cheap back then, so no one cared about wasting gas!). I have to say as cute as it looks, a new electric, or at least a flex-fuel, truck might be better for the environment; then again, maybe LTs dad has an engine hidden under that huge hood that runs on recycled cooking oil for all I know!That observation aside, I recommend this book as a fun read and an educational tool to get kids on the road to recycling. No one individual is going to save the world with recycling, but thats not the point. This isnt about one person, its about building a movement and growing the sentiment until intelligent environmental behaviors become the norm - and every little helps.
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