READ Titanias Suitor: The web is the perfect place for evil to hide... by C. L. Shore kindle bookshop download direct link value

READ Titanias Suitor: The web is the perfect place for evil to hide... by C. L. Shore kindle bookshop download direct link value

READ Titanias Suitor: The web is the perfect place for evil to hide... by C. L. Shore kindle bookshop download direct link value

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Book description

Book description
Charlotte Stone never dreamed that her graduate student status would make her the target of a brilliant psychopath. But she is forced to admit her position of danger when vindictive messages appear in her email Inbox. The sender has obvious research expertise and the possible suspects include her estranged husband as well as several colleagues and acquaintances. Charlotte’s best friend, Veronica, has helped her through the crisis of her husband moving out, but she’s out of her league when it comes to this level of threat. Charlotte begins to feel danger could be lurking anywhere. Unsure of who is friend and who is foe, she realizes a broken marriage is not her biggest problem. Charlotte may be fighting for her life.
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