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READ The Virgin King by Joseph Fullam iBooks full version book phone itunes

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Book description
What if the famous, larger-than-life King Henry VIII didnt die, but was sent into secret exile? What if he escaped back to England, only to be captured by his brilliant daughter Queen Elizabeth, who must decide what to do with her dangerous father, the rightful King?THE VIRGIN KING begins seventeen years after King Henry VIII’s secret exile, just as he is preparing to send his bastard son William off to England. Faced with what appears to be their final moments together on a deserted island off the coast of Spain, Henry tells William the truth about his exploits as King. What follows is a lively and entertaining narrative that will also give the reader a feel for the paradoxical world in which they are about to enter. One that, in addition to its many colorful characters and surreal backdrop, is truly brought to life as it is seen through the eyes of William, a completely unadulterated knave whose entire world view was shaped by the vainglorious and half-mad King.-Set in one of the most dazzling and exciting periods of Englands royal history, THE VIRGIN KING is a high-flying tale that will entertain the reader with each page. It is in no way an esoteric work. It is an ambitious novel written about two legendary figures, and although it portrays an intimate and scandalous portrait of Elizabeth, it is one that is consistent with historical data and the spirit of the times. -Check out SURFACE IN HEAVEN, also by Joe:
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