READ The Vanishing Neighbor: The Transformation of American Community by Marc J. Dunkelman kindle bookshop download direct link value

READ The Vanishing Neighbor: The Transformation of American Community by Marc J. Dunkelman kindle bookshop download direct link value

READ The Vanishing Neighbor: The Transformation of American Community by Marc J. Dunkelman kindle bookshop download direct link

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Book description
A sweeping new look at the unheralded transformationthat is eroding the foundations of American exceptionalism.Without any notice, America’s basic community buildingblocks have dissolved. What Alexis de Tocquevillecalled the “township”—that unique locus of the power ofcitizens—has been replaced. But with what? In a work thatcombines rich history and keen sociological observation,Marc Dunkelman identifies an epochal shift in the structureof American life. Routines that once put doctors and lawyersin touch with grocers and plumbers have withered as technologyallows us to connect exclusively with a more selectgroup. The rhythms that compelled us to understand thepeople living across town have disappeared. In their placeare new patterns that confound our ability to compromise inpolitics, innovate within the private sector, and care properlyfor the most vulnerable. But the American Age has not yetended, and The Vanishing Neighbor argues that to win thefuture we need to adapt yesterday’s institutions to the realitiesof the twenty-first-century American community.
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