READ The Twenty-Four-Hour Society: Understanding Human Limits in a World That Never Stops by Martin C. Moore-Ede text mp3 price free apple

READ The Twenty-Four-Hour Society: Understanding Human Limits in a World That Never Stops by Martin C. Moore-Ede text mp3 price free apple

READ The Twenty-Four-Hour Society: Understanding Human Limits in a World That Never Stops by Martin C. Moore-Ede text mp3 price

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Book description
Todays sophisticated technology and integrated global economy have led to great advances but have failed to consider human limitations. The Chernobyl explosion, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, Three Mile Island, and tens of thousands of smaller accidents, as well as billions of dollars of productivity losses, were the result of human fatigue. Dr. Moore-Ede brings together the latest scientific findings and presents an array of management tools and technologies that monitor alertness and performance impairment. He shows how to rethink work schedules, manage information flow and improve working environments. 230 pages
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