READ The Torah: The Five Books of Moses by Anonymous(Editor) store iBooks epub prewiew free

READ The Torah: The Five Books of Moses by Anonymous(Editor) store iBooks epub prewiew free

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Book description
Im an atheist, but religion fascinates me, primarily as a manifestation of culture. I read the Torah as I would any ancient text, and found it an amazing and instructive document of nation-building. From the most pragmatic--laws and norms, historical lessons--to the most spiritual--a genesis story, a spiritual justification, a historical and cultural sense of the nation, what is the meaning of being human, what the limits, what the goals, what the good and bad relationships--, countless questions are answered, often in a satisfyingly absolute way (though questions linger at other times). The narrative is uneven, sometimes mythical, sometimes action-packed, at times mind-numbingly detailed and repetitive (getting through the measurements of the temple, or the census was a real struggle), but all of it adds up to an unparalleled document of a newly forming nation. There are many, many interesting features in the Torah as a whole, but one that stands out to me is that often motivations (human or godly) go unexplained...leading to the pragmatic (and true to life) conclusion that sometimes, things just are; the ultimate explanation does not always exist (or perhaps the religious would say does not always manifest to humans), even in a world with a divinity.
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