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READ The Religious Poetry of Vladimir Solovyov by Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900) was one of the most remarkable figures of the 19th century. He was the most important Russian speculative thinker of that century, publishing major works on theoretical philosophy, the philosophy of religion, and ethics. He also wrote profound religious verse, much of which is translated into English here for the first time. Included are all of the short lyric poems; Three Meetings, an autobiographical poem of mystical visions; The White Lily, a comical-mystical play, a genre invented by Solovyov; and a ground-breaking essay (translated into English for the first time) on Solovyovs poetry by the eminent theologian Sergius Bulgakov. The most important poems are sophianic, in that they express a personal relation to Sophia, whom Solovyov encountered several times during his life. This book presents an aspect of Solovyovs work that most readers are unaware of; it enables us to watch a spiritual genius plumbing the depths of cosmic truth.
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