READ The Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social situations by Cory Doctorow iphone value francais audio book

READ The Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social situations by Cory Doctorow iphone value francais audio book

READ The Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social situations by Cory Doctorow iphone value

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Book description
Theres a slight paradox with this execution of this book which might thrill or annoy the lot of its readers: It reads like a Heinlein juvenile upgraded to all the geeky post-singularity hacking terms we can take a swing at. Huh?Specifically, I think of Have Space Suit—Will Travel if wed substituted a kid with an engineering project with a real-meat man in a completely digital society, get him embroiled in Objectivist Religionists (BIG LOL there), several courtroom dramas filled with some really zany characters such as a judge who is a dalek, and ends up with a galactic singularity overmind checking us over and using this poor sod to determine if we, as a species, deserves a chance to keep on living.Fairly simple story and it reads very quick, but the best part (or the worst, depending on your tolerance for geeking out with tech and post-singularity societies,) has got to be the world-building and the ideas, with the satire being a distant third. :)I personally love singularty stories. And if you need a description, just assume that all matter has been turned into computers and weve all been uploaded as pure minds to live in any kinds of realities we desire, then youll have a pretty good feel for it. But wheres the conflict? Oh, its all mental and ideological and sometimes even territorial as long as you can wrap your mind around major causality loops when you tamper with the fundamental forces of matter. :)In other words, this is a simple story with a dense layer of computronium and satire wrapped around it like bacon around a nice juicy steak.Not that it doesnt have its flaws, of course, but if you like this kind of thing, you really shouldnt miss it. :)
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