READ The Pool of St. Branok by Philippa Carr txt online look spanish ios

READ The Pool of St. Branok by Philippa Carr txt online look spanish ios

READ The Pool of St. Branok by Philippa Carr txt online look spanish ios

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Book description
Angelet HansonThe tale is long and complicated, but attention is held as Angelet, daughter of Annora and Rolf of Midsummers Eve, begins to enter adulthood. One incident marks her indelibly. At the superstition-laden pool of St. Branok in Cornwall, she is saved from a rapist by Ben, a young family connection on a visit from Australia. When she and Ben dispose of the attackers body in the pool, their bond is strengthened. Ben returns to Australia in pursuit of gold; Angelet debuts in London and marries a charming scapegrace, a gambler who will eventually take her to Australia in pursuit of a fortune. There the stage is set for Angelet, by now a widow, and Ben, a putative widower.
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