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READ The Offer by Catherine Coulter (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

READ The Offer by Catherine Coulter (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
Sabrina Eversleigh runs away from home after her new brother-in-law attempts to rape her. She would surely have died in a blizzard if Phillip Mercerault had not rescued her. He nurses her back to health only to find that he is not a hero. Instead, hes a gentleman who has compromised a lady. Now, theres only one thing left for him to do -- marry her. But Sabrina turns him down, leaving him completely baffled. However, things dont turn out quite the way Sabrina planned, and it is she, then, who must propose, sweetening the pot with a big dowry and an offer of freedom for Phillip. But whats a husband to do when he knows his bride is afraid of men? And more important, what is the bride to do when she follows her husband to his mistress lodgings and discovers him on the point of indulging? Phillip and Sabrina have a long way to go before they can sit amicably at the same table together.
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