READ The Modernisation of Irish Society, 1848-1918 by Joseph Lee torrent via online free tablet

READ The Modernisation of Irish Society, 1848-1918 by Joseph Lee torrent via online free tablet

READ The Modernisation of Irish Society, 1848-1918 by Joseph Lee torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
This was an impressive book, small yet amazingly persuasive. It is more like a collection of critical essays on all of the major themes of Irish history in this period than any kind of narrative (Which is just as well, considering F.S.L. Lyons, R.F. Foster and Paul bew have the narrative history of Ireland in this period pretty much pinned down) I especially enjoyed his criticisms of the Conservative policy in Ireland (Killing Home Rule with kindness) Here he aptly points out that instead of wasting money in the west, investment should have been concentrated in the east so as to encourage internal migration to that potentially prosperous area rather than keeping the west of Ireland ticking over and encouraging emigration to America and Britain. The results, he claims, were catastrophic, leading to stagnation in the west and only tentative growth in the east.He acknowledges the brilliance of our transport system (The Irish railway system was one of the finest in the Empire) pointing out that we had an overdeveloped infrastructure which should have been able to accomodate more than a mere commercial agricultural economy - although he does point out the overall amazing improvement in Irish economic performance in the years following the Famine, aided by a growing middle class and more equitable rural farming class, a significant change which catered for the social explosion which culminated in Easter 1916.Lastly the role of the Church is both rehabilated and criticised, both in education and moral values. Cardinal Cullen was a strange man who did more than any other to improve the education of the Irish poor, but to him we also must remember a growing Romanism within the church, and the ever increasing divergence between the aloof Catholic hierarchy and the laity, who were almost driven to insanity by the extreme expectations of their leaders.Overall, this is both an influential and thought provoking book, which looks at Irish history from various new angles (It was written in the 70s after all) Its short (Barely over 100 pages)
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