READ The Missing by Garth Nix (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

READ The Missing by Garth Nix (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

READ The Missing by Garth Nix (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
Good end to the series! I wasnt sure where this series was headed, what with the foreshadowing dropped in earlier books. But this book was roundly satisfying. From the Evil dimension to Grandma Xs real name, all was finally revealed. I read it aloud to my kids, and we were all hooked.I hope they end the series here, because I think further books would detract from the high note this one ends on.Edit: Also, Missing, Presumed Evil is a MUCH better title than The Missing. What dumb marketer thought that was a better choice???
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