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I really had trouble even finishing this book - probably wouldnt have if it didnt fill a spot in 2 different challenges! I didnt care for the authors writing style, which is a matter of personal preference so I dont hold it against her, different people have different tastes. Unfortunately I also never really connected with the characters and I felt like the story dragged and the plot wasnt developed as well as it could have been. The thing that really bothered me though was the lack of research and/or fact checking that was noticeable in several instances throughout the story. There were multiple errors that would be very obvious to anyone who is the least bit familiar with the area in and around Seattle, Washington and could have been prevented with just a very brief look at a map of the area. For example, the statement was made (more than once) that the Pacific Ocean could be seen from the heros penthouse apartment in Seattle. Seattle is about 75 miles away and on the other side of a mountain range from the Pacific Ocean - the Seattle waterfront and port are on Puget Sound, not the Pacific. That was just one example of several that I saw, and while it doesnt directly affect the storyline and most people who dont live around here would never notice it, it completely threw me out of the story, and I dont have a lot of respect for an author who gets something that basic wrong. If youre not going to do the research, dont put specific details in your book! If it hadnt been for the errors, I probably would have given this book 2 or maybe even 3 stars, but as it was it barely earned 1!
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