READ The Memories of Bellevue by La'Chris Jordan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

READ The Memories of Bellevue by La'Chris Jordan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

READ The Memories of Bellevue by La'Chris Jordan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
Lost Myself In This Story!“The Memories of Bellevue” is a historical love story set just before the beginning of the Civil War.Such a sad time in America’s History!This love story is between Thomas, the son of a plantation owner, and Jeyne, one of his father’s slaves.From the first page to the last I was completely captivated. My heart went on an emotional rollercoaster ride throughout the entire story. Each character was extremely well defined. I could feel Thomas and Jeyne’s passion followed by their shear feeling of hopelessness and helplessness of the situation.Days after finishing this book I found my heart and mind still haunted by their heartache.I was completely blown away with the excellent writing skills of author La’Chris Jordan. I just hope she doesn’t keep me waiting long for the next book in this series. Stephanie Lasley, from The Kindle Book Review The Kindle Book Review received a free copy of this book for an independent, fair, and honest review. We are not associated with the author or Amazon.
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