READ The Legend of Annie Murphy by Frank E. Peretti reader link bookstore book touch

READ The Legend of Annie Murphy by Frank E. Peretti reader link bookstore book touch

READ The Legend of Annie Murphy by Frank E. Peretti reader link bookstore book touch

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Book description
The Cooper family and a few other kids and grown-ups go on a camping trip to relax from their hard work that theyve been doing and they hear the legend of Annie Murphy in the hills and if you camp on the grave of Annie Murphy youll die the next morning. So, while they were sleeping, one of them sees what looks to be Annie Murphys shadow. The next morning, the kids get permission from their Dad to go out in the canyon valley to check things out, but when they entered the valley, they actually entered a time vortex to the time of the case of Annie Murphy. They have to find all the sculptures that Annie Murphy made to tell her story of what happened to her because she was accused of shooting from her bedroom her husband to get his mine. The truth was that it was the lawyer had shot Mr. Murphy from her bedroom to make it look like she shot the bullet so that he could get the gold mine. In the end, the kids escape thru the graveyard when the time vortex was closing. I liked the book because it was a western and took place in the past.
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