READ The Last Hero by Peter Forbath ebook reading phone torrent online

READ The Last Hero by Peter Forbath ebook reading phone torrent online

READ The Last Hero by Peter Forbath ebook reading phone torrent online

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this was a surprise. I only got it at the last minute from the library. Okay, it isnt even kept on the regular dewey shelves. It is kept on the general audioshelf, meaning it was donated and not deemed worth enough to be assigned a number.I listened to this on audio, which was great, because the story is told by one of those crisp clear British readers who can do great voices.I felt like I was there! As Dr Stanley went to his last expedition into the congo, to save some Amin, to keep Englands interest there etc. HOwever, one doubts he was motivated for England as much as he was for himself, as he took the hardest route, through the Etruirian woods.You know, if I was British, I would probably be getting into these explorers, especially Stanley and Livingston. There were parallels between the African expedition and the first expeditions of fur trappers into our great Northwest, esp Oregon.For one, both countries had native tribes, both friendly and hostile. For another, both countries had tribes that hated the whites due to their experience with other whites. This book, it wasnt an exposure to whites, but, whenever Stanleys party tried to blaze, the slavers would go right before. They would burn villages etc, and soon Dr Stanleys party was assoc with this. Most came from lower class backgrounds. Stanley certainly did and so did a lot of the trappers. How exciting it must have been to explore where no white man had ever been! When I am hiking in the woods and we often find places not many people go around, I try to blaze a trail, in my peevy amateur way, going where there isnt one. Even if there is one close hah a.Its the closest thing I have heard of that parallels the history of my beloved Oregon, and around the same time as well. Accuenting that there really arent many differences when it comes to conquering the land, enduring things one cant control like weather, and water. Learning to get along iwth the indegenouse people or you cant really make it. there is a sort of tragic ending, and you sort of are left to wonder what it was all for, those loss of lives and so forth. However, the purest motive for exploration is exploring for the sake of exploring! and a little fame in doesnt hurtfinally, the exploreres personality. had they not been so cocky, so focused, despite the hardship on those with the leader, could they really get anywhere??
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