READ The Human Amygdala by Paul J. Whalen (Editor) view format ebook how download free

READ The Human Amygdala by Paul J. Whalen (Editor) view format ebook how download free

READ The Human Amygdala by Paul J. Whalen (Editor) view format ebook how download free

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Book description
Building on pioneering animal studies, and making use of new, noninvasive techniques for studying the human brain, research on the human amygdala has blossomed in recent years. This comprehensive volume brings together leading authorities to synthesize current knowledge on the amygdala and its role in psychological function and dysfunction. Initial chapters discuss how animal models have paved the way for work with human subjects. Next, the book examines the amygdalas involvement in emotional processing, learning, memory, and social interaction. The final section presents key advances in understanding specific clinical disorders: anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, autism, and Alzheimers disease. Illustrations include 39 color plates.
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