READ The Gospel of God: Romans by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) without signing author get access online

READ The Gospel of God: Romans by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) without signing author get access online

READ The Gospel of God: Romans by R.C. Sproul (Goodreads Author) without signing author get access online

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Book description
The book of Romans has been influential in critical moments of the Christian church history. In the early church, Pauls words in this book were the means of the conversion of Augustine. During the Protestant Reformation they particularly influenced Martin Luther and John Calvin. Later, in the evangelical revival of the eighteenth century, they changed the lives of George Whitefield and John Wesley. But it is not only those who have become leaders in the church who have been affected by the epistle to the Romans. Ordinary Christians, too, have lived transformed lives as a result. People have often turned to the letter to the Church in Rome because Paul clearly sets out a theological framework for us to understand. It is a comprehensive description of the way that God offers salvation to humankind - and it is Good News.
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