READ The Goddess and the Tree (Llewellyns Modern Witchcraft Series, Witches Qabala, Book 1) by Ellen Cannon Reed epub ibooks

READ The Goddess and the Tree (Llewellyns Modern Witchcraft Series, Witches Qabala, Book 1) by Ellen Cannon Reed epub ibooks

READ The Goddess and the Tree (Llewellyns Modern Witchcraft Series, Witches Qabala, Book 1) by Ellen Cannon Reed epub ibooks

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Book description

Book description
As a Witch and user of Tarot, I have been drawn to the possible usefulness of the Qabala for a while.The first book I read on the subject was Dion Fortunes work, and it turned me off a bit. With all respect, it is a very comprehensive work, but way to heavy for a total beginner. So after struggling through that tome, I gave up on the Qabala for a while. So, how glad I was to come across this title, and it didnt disappoint.Written in a more practical way, in laymans terms, this was the book I should have read first.It also helps that The Goddess and The Tree is directed at Pagans, showing me a tree that is not so geared towards male oriented religion. Having read this book, I will now go back for another look at the weightier stuff, at least this time around having a firmer grasp on the whole concept.The Goddess and The Tree is great for the beginner and also those that struggle with the patriarchal and ceremonial concepts of the Tree.
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