READ The Garlic Book: A Garland of Simple, Savory, Robust Recipes by Carolyn Dille torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

READ The Garlic Book: A Garland of Simple, Savory, Robust Recipes by Carolyn Dille torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

READ The Garlic Book: A Garland of Simple, Savory, Robust Recipes by Carolyn Dille torrent iBooks djvu no registration read

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Book description
Not everyone likes garlic, and not everyone would like this book. Being a garlic-lover myself, I found this book to be a quick and enjoyable read.The first chapter was by far my favorite. In addition to the history of garlic, this chapter also held tidbits of garlic-related scientific facts. Overall, this section was a very good survey of the what, why, and where of garlic.As for the recipes, some of them are doable and others not so much. That the instructions are short and simple may be a good thing for some of the recipes, but not all of them. For example, the instructions for how to make a garlic souffle are only half a page. Though I myself have never made a souffle, it seems that more detailed instructions would be helpful (especially since this book is from 1993, so to Google souffle help would not have been an option).So though the first part of this book was quite enjoyable, my mixed feelings about the recipe instructions (and the fact that there is a desserts section that contains a recipe for chocolate-covered garlic) is why I am giving this book 3 stars.
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