READ The Eudaemonic Pie by Thomas A. Bass epub ibooks iphone

READ The Eudaemonic Pie by Thomas A. Bass epub ibooks iphone

READ The Eudaemonic Pie by Thomas A. Bass epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
What if a handful of physics and engineering brains decided they wanted to win in Las Vegas? If the game was roulette and the era was the 70s, the story would be just what’s recounted here. To answer the obvious question: the brains succeeded, but it took them a few years. For a decent summary of the book, see this NYTBR review from 1985.A note of craziness I recall: In researching previous efforts to systematize gambling, they found that Salvador Dalí had developed a poker method that would exactly break even. Possibly my memory is wrong—it may not have been poker or Dalí—but someone had devised a precisely pointless approach that neither won nor lost. Details like that added to the fun of this whiz-kids-on-a-mission tale.Theres another crazy note to this story, and I dont recall whether the book reports this one: What the Eudaemonians decided to do had already been done! In the early 60s, mathematicians Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon (the latter is known to many for his work in information theory) devised whats often regarded now as the first wearable computer, which was built into a shoe and intended to aid in winning at roulette. As I dont know where the book has gotten to, I cant check the index to see whether Thorp and Shannons work is included. (I learned of it from the March/April 2014 issue of MIT Technology Review, which contains an unofficial review of todays best-known wearable computer, Google Glass.) But a paper by Thorp reveals that a future member of the Eudaemonians had contacted him around 1969 to discuss the Thorp-Shannon project.Why do the same thing again, 10 or so years later? As a merely technical matter, its not hard to imagine an answer: improved hardware.
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