READ The Discworld Almanak: The Year of the Prawn by Terry Pratchett spanish information doc read prewiew

READ The Discworld Almanak: The Year of the Prawn by Terry Pratchett spanish information doc read prewiew

READ The Discworld Almanak: The Year of the Prawn by Terry Pratchett spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description
In this latest accessory to the Discworld phenomenon, Terry Pratchett joins forces with Bernard Pearson to produce the definitive Almanak to the Common Year of the Prawn, for the city of Ankh-Morpork and Surrounding Areas & Benefices. Here you will find a Compendium to all Knowledge, and a sure means of ensuring fertility of crops & livestock, also a boon companion in affairs of the HEART & HEALTH, with notes on Husbandry, Physic, Fairs & Marts, and other such information as will render this Publication a staunch companion to Townsman & Tiller of Soil alike. Including homemade remedies for common ailments, recipes, horoscopes, scientific discoveries, a calendar, strange tales and many valuable facts about the cabbage.With witty illustrations from Paul Kidby, this is an artistically presented package guaranteed to tickle the funny bone of all Pratchett fans.
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