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READ The Digest Diet Cookbook by Liz Vaccariello flibusta italian online original selling

READ The Digest Diet Cookbook by Liz Vaccariello flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
As a huge fan of both Readers Digest and diet recipes, I knew I had to try this new companion cookbook to the New York Times-bestselling The Digest Diet. This book is a compilation of brand new recipes to go along with that diet, so its less reading, and more recipe-enjoying! And boy, can I say how much I enjoyed sifting through this to get new ideas and even cook up some waistline-friendly food of my own!Im still skeptical about the actual diet plan itself; the lose up to 26 pounds in 21 days claim obviously does not speak to typical results. In fact, a lot of the diet plan doesnt settle well with me, as it involves lots of skipping meals and only one snack a day (not healthy!). It also emphasizes the importance of fat releasers (good!) and fat increasers (bad!) which can be helpful in selecting ingredients, but I feel it was a bit restrictive.What I absolutely love love love however, is how theres such an expansive variety of recipes here. Recipes range from flank steak (!!!!) to chickpea-crust pizza to turkey milanese to frozen berry terrine. Good golly, that sounds tasty! Its not the typical layup youd picture when you think health food, which is great because most people—myself included—are turned off by the idea of diets that solely consist of salads-san-dressing and kale smoothies. Yeeuch.ProsVariety of recipes // Well organized into sections: Breakfasts, Soups, Main Dishes, One-Dish Mains, Salads, Side Dishes, and Desserts // Includes informational chapters about fat releasers // Helpful conversion charts for measurements and portionsConsSome recipes dont include pictures! // 26 pounds in 21 days claim baffles me—anyone could do this, simple. Just starve yourself.VerdictA fabulous collection of scrumptious-sounding recipes, The Digest Diet Cookbook is definitely something you want to invest in for getting on track with your diet with delicious sides, meals, and desserts that wont stretch your waistline. While I cant actually endorse the diet plan Liz Vaccariello recommends (it just doesnt sound nutritionally adequate!), the different recipe ideas presented are sure to be a hit among whole food lovers like yours truly, and will inspire healthful lifestyles among foodies of every breed.Rating: 8 out of 10 hearts (4 stars): An engaging read; highly recommended.SourceComplimentary copy provided by publicist in exchange for an honest and unbiased review (thank you, FSB Media!).
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