READ The Devils Work by Wensley Clarkson mp3 francais read writer tom

READ The Devils Work by Wensley Clarkson mp3 francais read writer tom

READ The Devils Work by Wensley Clarkson mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description
The Devils Work by Wensley ClarksonOn the cover it says Wensley Clarkson - the worlds greatest true crime writer. He isnt, but I reckon hes up there. This is the third book of his I have read, after only discovering him this year. The other two, Gang Wars Of London and Inside The Cage [with Carl Merritt], were both great reads. So was this one.All murders are shocking, but this one particularly so, due to the age of the victim [15], and the ages of the perpertrators [17, 15 and 15], which made the murder even more disturbing due to their ages, and also the fact that it had Satanic elements. It details the brutal murder of Eliyse Pahler in Arroyo Grande, California, by three thrash/death metal fans. Joseph Fiorella, Jacob Delashmut and Royce Casey were heavily into drugs and satanic metal music at the time of the killing, particularly Slayer, who were a favourite of mine during my youth. It goes into the killing, and also the backgrounds of the youths, before going onto the trial, raising questions about the role of the satanic lyrics in the bands they were listening to played in the slaying. My only gripe with the book is that I wish Clarkson had waited until the trial had finished before writing the book, so we could see the fate of all three defendants.
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